The arrival of the Student Council

Setanta sighed and looked at Fleur with sorrow. Fleur felt a chill running down her back, she looked at Setanta and frowned.

(Why are you looking at me like I'm a slaughtered pig?)

Sahazel had closed his eyes again, Setanta and Fleur were silent.

The silence did not last long. Barely a minute later, Sahazel spoke again.

"They're coming"

Fleur gave him a strange look and Setanta simply nodded. The door to the auditorium opened, the murmurs were heard from the 3 classes.

"There they are"

"Class A."

"The Supergenius of the Great Families"

Fleur looked incredulously at Sahazel and turned to observe the class A members.

In front of the group was a beautiful blonde woman in the Hunter Academy teacher's uniform.

"Saint of the sword, Zuri Gawain," Fleur muttered.

"You seem to know her," Setanta said.

"Who does not know the saint of the sword?" Fleur looked at him with disdain.

"I do not pay attention to such things" Setanta shrugged.

"She is a genius among geniuses of the Gawain family" Fleur explained "She is so talented that the next head of the Pendragon family has broken the tradition and has chosen her as his right hand even though she is a woman".

"I see" Setanta answered indifferently, but a strange glow went through his eyes.

Sahazel also opened his eyes and examined the teacher who was approaching. His green eyes turned black for a moment before nodding and turning green again.

"What do you think?" Setanta asked Sahazel.

"She is a talent," answered Sahazel in a flat voice.

Setanta raised his eyebrows and looked at Zuri with more interest than before.

(For him to say that someone is talented, probably since he saw little Arthur)

"Compared to him?" asked Setanta.

"She can't even reach his heels."

They both knew who they were talking about. Fleur was already accustomed to the strange conversations between them so she did not pay much attention.

Zuri turned her gaze to class D, there she saw a tall boy with blue hair watching her with interest. She felt as if she were a small rabbit being watched by a wild beast.

She averted her gaze slightly as she did not dare look at the boy directly. Her gaze rested on the boy next to him, his head resting on the backup and his eyes closed.

She felt a terrifying dark energy compressed around his body. She could only notice it slightly as she possessed the Gawain lineage, her light attribute and her high level, otherwise she would have been unable to detect anything.

If she did not know about some secrets, she would have thought he was a normal boy who had awakened his attribute relatively recently.

The boy turned his head and looked into her eyes, she was instantly attracted to his green eyes. It was not until the boy withdrew his gaze that Zuri regained consciousness.

Zuri nodded to her fellow tutors and led the class A students to their seats.

Class A students advanced down the aisle. The murmurs became louder as the rest of the class recognized the 3 people leading class A.

"It's Thomas Adams!" shouted a girl from class B.

"Thomas, Thomas!

The girls sought Thomas' attention by trying to seduce him.

"Who's that?" Setanta asked Fleur.

"He is Thomas Adams, they call him the supergenius of the USA" Fleur explained. "He went to level 3 at the age of 16 and now with 18 no one knows what level he is at".

The girls' screams were quickly overlapped with the boys' screams.

"Princess Wang!"

"Miss Long!"

The men shouted the names of their goddesses like crazy, they seemed to have been affected by an abnormal virus.

Fleur did not wait for Setanta to ask and explained directly.

"The blue-haired girl is Wang Xinqian, supergenius of the Wang family." Sahazel's eyes opened at the word `wang´ while Setanta raised his eyebrows.

"The silver-haired girl is-"

"Long Xiu" Sahazel interrupted Fleur.

"Have you heard of her?" Fleur asked as she gave him a strange look.

"Troubled girl"

Setanta looked at Long Xiu in surprise.

(So she is the troubled person he mentioned earlier)

Fleur felt a murderous gaze fixed on her. She turned in alarm and realized it was Long Xiu.

(Why are you looking at me like that?)

Long Xiu quickly withdrew her gaze and continued as if nothing had happened. Fleur had cold sweat running down her back.

When Long Xiu passed through Sahazel's row, he squinted and gave her a slight look. Their glances crossed and Long Xiu's lips curved.

"The goddess Long has smiled!"

"It's the best day of my life!"

The boys who had calmed down slightly shouted again at the sight of Long Xiu's smile.

A man in a lab coat over his teacher's uniform climbed onto the podium and began to speak.

"Since we're all here, let's explain a little about your schedule today."

"Now the rest of the school year will come, the student council president will come up and give a welcome speech."

"Professor!" A student raised her hand.


"Is it true that the current student council president is a four-year student?"

"That's right, and last year I was president as a three-year-old."

"But isn't the student council president the strongest student?"

"That's right, since he reached third grade no one has been able to beat Arthur Pendragon."

The murmurs returned to the auditorium.


"As expected of the Pendragon family."

Setanta shook his head as he saw the students' reactions. It was obvious to him that the level was not everything when judging the strength of an individual.

The auditorium doors opened and students entered the auditorium. Second year, third year, fourth year and fifth year students respectively. Each one sat in his seat and none caused a fuss.

When everyone sat down, the doors reopened. A fat man came in and shouted out loud.

"The student council is coming in."

All the students, from the fifth year to the second year, got up when they heard the man's words. The first-year students also rose quickly, all except Sahazel.

"Sahazel bastard, get up" Fleur shook Sahazel's shoulder.

She became anxious to feel everyone's glances on them. Setanta looked away as if she did not know the person sleeping next to him.

Atalanta frowned at the sight of her student sleeping in the chair, Zuri on the other hand only sighed without being able to do anything.

"I swear I will kill you if you don't get up" Fleur threatened him desperately.

Steps began to be heard from the door. Sahazel then opened his eyes and stood up slowly, he stretched out slowly.

Two people entered the auditorium. A tall girl with black hair of average beauty, a rare medicinal scent spread around her. Beside her was an English boy with brown hair and freckles, he didn't seem to be anything special.

"Aurora Curie, student council secretary and fifth grader."

"Allen Smith, student council treasurer and fifth grader."

Both sat in two of the seats reserved for the student council.

Behind them was a French girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. A weak pure aura surrounded her, she was so beautiful that both boys and girls had their eyes on her.

Sahazel looked at her and frowned slightly.

"What a pure aura," said Setanta in surprise.

Fleur looked away when she heard Setanta's voice, she too had been stunned looking at her.

"She is Jeanne d'Arc, they say she is the reincarnation of the Pucelle d'Orléans" Fleur explained "She is the vice-president of the student council and probably the future president, she is a third year student".

"What a disgusting aura," commented Sahazel.

Jeanne was used to people being stunned the first time they saw her. Although people got used to it over time, it was an uncomfortable feeling to see people watching you without reacting.

She turned her gaze towards the first year students and was not surprised when she saw that they were looking at her with a dazed familiar expression, she had received such gazes for as long as she could remember.

She observed the class A students, she was surprised when she saw three students who were not stunned. (It seems that this year's students are good) thought surprised.

Then she looked at the students in classes B and C, all having the stunned gaze as expected. She looked at class D without much hope, but was surprised when she saw two boys looking at her.

One had a surprised look and the other had a frown. The tall boy said something she couldn't hear because of the distance and she was surprised when she saw the girl next door wake up from the stun, Jeanne remembered that no one had ever woken up from the stun before by a few words.

Jeanne advanced, and as she approached the line in which the trio were sitting she noticed that in the gaze of the boy with the frowning there was no stunning or appreciation as she used to see in the eyes of the rest of the men. Instead she could see disgust in his eyes, as if he were watching the most disgusting thing in the world. She began to feel curious about this boy.

"What a disgusting aura"

She heard the boy's words and was surprised. It was the first time someone said something like that to describe her aura, her curiosity for this boy grew even more.

She reached her chair next to Aurora and sat down, her gaze occasionally turned to Sahazel.

"The student council president is coming in!"