Arthur Pendragon

All glanced towards the auditorium door. A man entered the auditorium, a powerful king's aura spread all around the auditorium, most students bowed their heads to him unconsciously.

185 cm, blond hair and green eyes. His facial features were exquisite, his muscles were well marked on the uniform. The aura he emitted made the rest kneel before him voluntarily.

Arthur Pendragon, twenty two years old and a fourth year student. Rumor had it that he was to take office as head of the Pendragon family and king of England, called Camelot since the knights of the round table had come to light. A talent once every thousand years, he was a genius with a sword since he was a child and a genius as he climbed levels reaching level 3 at age 10, level 4 at age 16 and level 5 at age 20, no one now knew what level he was at.

Few people inside the auditorium had managed to keep their heads up in Arthur's presence. Zuri and Atalanta had maintained their composure with difficulty while Edison and Bjorn had not managed to keep their heads up, but they were not ashamed of it.

Of the student council members, only Jeanne had managed to keep her head up while Curie and Smith bowed voluntarily.

"Impressive as ever" Jeanne praised Arthur from the bottom of her heart, she had to struggle not to bow even after working at his side for over a year.

"I don't think I could stand it even if I fought against my instincts," Allen said proudly.

"Why don't you try to fight his aura? Don't you have pride?" asked a curious Jeanne.

"Arthur is our pride, we have long considered him our king," Aurora replied.

They were English, the fact that their king was Arthur was a cause of pride for them.

Only one girl managed to hold her head high among the fifth graders. Between the fourth and second year all the students bowed their heads, some fought in vain without being able to do anything.

Thomas in class A also tried to fight against his instincts to bow down to Arthur, as a future heir of the USA he could not afford to bow down to the heir of another power. Seeing that he could not fight Arthur's aura he sighed and stopped fighting.

(He's older than me so it's normal that I can't win against his aura)

Thomas looked in the direction of Wang Xinqian and Long Xiu, hoping to see that they too had their heads bowed. He clenched his fists tightly and his eyes turned blood red when he saw Wang Xinqian apparently intact before Arthur's aura and Long Xiu enduring the aura with a little difficulty.

(Impossible, it is impossible that they are better than me!)

Wang Xinqian endured the aura as she was accustomed to a superior aura. Long Xiu on the other hand, had an encounter in the past with an authoritative aura that would leave Arthur's aura in shame.

In class D, Fleur fought Arthur's aura without ever giving up. Sahazel shook his head at the sight of Fleur's futile effort, no person of common origin could fight the aura of a Pendragon king.

He lightly brushed Fleur's shoulder and she noticed that Arthur's aura had become much weaker. She fought harder and finally managed to lift her head and was stunned when she saw Setanta look at Arthur with a big smile on her face. What stunned her even more was seeing Sahazel with a slight smile on her face.

"He has improved a lot during these four years, you should be really proud" Setanta told Sahazel.

"A true talent" Sahazel didn't deny Setanta's words.

Fleur looked at both of them in shock. They were talking about Arthur Pendragon and seemed to know him.

"Do you know the president of the student council?"

"No." They both answered at the same time.


Arthur entered the auditorium after Jeanne. He let out his aura as usual, that person had taught him that a good king should make the rest bow to him alone by letting out his aura and had focused on getting that result from a young age.

He looked around the auditorium and was not surprised when he saw the fifth grader, Jeanne, Atalanta and Zuri looking directly at him. He knew that his aura was not yet strong enough to get those people to lean toward him.

He watched the new students. He was surprised when he saw two girls who had not bowed either but he quickly recovered by vaguely guessing their identities.

(Princess Wang and the young lady of the Long family. Of the princess I expected it but it seems that this girl Long also has some talent.)

He looked at class B and C. He looked at class D out of respect but didn't expect much from them.

Shock came quickly to his body when he saw a girl of common origin looking directly at him, he would never have expected an ordinary person to be able to bear his aura. Arthur quickly understood why she had been able to endure his aura.

(So they are with her)

Arthur slightly slowed the pace when he saw the two boys. When he looked at Setanta's big smile, his gaze showed nervousness and terror followed by a slight excitement. But when he looked at Sahazel his gaze was full of respect, nostalgia and happiness.

Only Wang Xinqian, Zuri Gawain and the fifth grader were able to discern the changes in Arthur's gaze. All three had different reactions to seeing the two boys Arthur was looking at.

Zuri nodded with understanding at the sight of the two boys. They were the two that Arthur had mentioned earlier.

Wang Xinqian was confused, she remembered that Long Xiu had told her that these two boys were interesting and now Arthur seemed to recognize them. Her curiosity for them grew.

The fifth year girl was in shock, she thought she knew Arthur well and he had never shown so many emotions. Arthur in his memory was a man born to be a king and always showed his upright and noble character, but now he had thrown away his nobility and righteousness and showed his emotions visibly.

Arthur recovered and continued advancing towards the stage, he reached the podium and took the microphone.

"Fourteen years ago the catastrophe came" Arthur began to narrate his speech, his aura of king was still there but the rest of the students were able to raise their heads and look at Arthur.

"I think most of them will remember the events that happened on day 0, some even lived them in their own flesh".

Many nodded at his first words and others trembled with fear as they remembered the events of that day.

"Ninety percent of humanity died that year, entire countries were eradicated by monsters. There are times when I ask myself, Why? And the answer comes instantaneously, because God got bored of humanity".

Arthur squeezed the lectern with rage, his eyes showed rage and endless hatred.

"My heart burns when I think of the reason why humans almost disappear, in my mind only the words that a certain person said to me resound."

Arthur took a breath, the whole audience waited in anticipation for his words.

"Eleven years ago, three years after day zero, that day humanity managed to achieve relative stability in this world full of monsters. One day I was accompanying the present king of Camelot, my uncle Conall Pendragon, to visit the tombs of the dead in battle against the monsters".

"That day my uncle narrated how they fought bravely against the monsters, they were fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters. They left everything behind only to fight for a better future so that the rest of us can continue to live".

The atmosphere in the atmosphere was solemn, some more sensitive people were already crying.

"I went mad when I heard about their deaths, with rage I shouted and cursed God. I believed that he was responsible for all the bad things that had happened during the previous years, I blamed him for the deaths of the soldiers with family".

The rest of the students nodded, they also thought so.

"That's when he appeared in front of me."

"I remember it as if it were yesterday, his lifeless black eyes and that dark aura. My uncle had his legs trembling with fear, it was obvious that he was afraid of the man standing in front of me".

"My uncle drew his sword and threatened the man. My uncle stood before me to protect me from the mysterious man. The man didn't even look at my uncle, it seemed that to him my uncle was nothing but rubbish".

Arthur let out a wry smile at the thought of it.

"The man had his gaze fixed on me, the sensation given to me by those lifeless black eyes was different from the terror felt by my uncle. Those eyes gave me a sense of familiarity and longing, as if I had seen those eyes before but couldn't remember them.

"The first words he said to me were 'Do you know why all these people have died? ´ to which I replied with anger `It's God's fault´"

"The man shook his head and I asked him `So why? ´, his answer to my question was firmly marked in my heart"

"What did he say?" A student couldn't take it anymore.

"Because they were weak´"

Silence crossed through the auditorium, all the students were staring in shock at Arthur's words.

(Because they were weak?)

"Because they were weak they were killed by monsters, my goal became to become the strongest king in order to defend my people from monsters. I decided that I could not allow such a situation to happen again."

Everyone looked at Arthur with a new light in their eyes, all their glances had admiration and respect for him.

"Freshmen, I'm going to be clear with you" Arthur addressed the new students "You're weak, so I hope you'll work hard to make yourselves strong over the next five years."

Arthur then bowed slightly and prepared to leave the podium.

"Who was that man?" Wang Xinqian asked, Arthur's words sounded very familiar. She remembered that her father had said something similar to her, she asked who had said those words and her father had answered a single word `Monster´ with terror and admiration in his eyes.

All the students, including the teachers, looked at Arthur hoping to know something about the man's identity.

"He's my father."