
Sunshine and roses don't really exist. That's just one big cover-up of what this really is. Yes they're sad days but for now I'm happy. The one true thing is to not be so sappy

Usually I'd be fine but right now I'm overreacting. There's no reason to get all worked up about what is really happening. Cuz if you actually paid attention you could see I'm happy.

But don't worry I think I'm going insane. This good time here I think will never end. What's going on usually everything is dead. But right now Im really messed up in the head.

Pay close attention and then you'll see. Then you'll see what's really happening to me. No I'm not sick, there's no need to worry. Nothing's really happening nothing really gory

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I'm having a good day. For once in my life I could stand very tall. No reason to worry nothing's going on at all. So next time you see me just remember one thing nothing's the matter because I'm happy.

Oh wait hold on one second I think I know what's going on. The truth the justice and the war all actions to your satisfaction of mad in the world will never overcome the happiness that I have to endure Ed.

There had to be 8 paragraphs or I would be really mad at myself.