looky looky let's play hookie

time has past, I've moved on. I'm growing up, time to wave goodbye. now say hello to teenager you the horniest years of your life. masterbation is not your friend just a dude waving high. hard to miss, even harder to ignore. especially when it pitches a tent to God knows who ( you whore). have no fear jocks are here, so let's just hang and have a beer. hey let's go driving, ( this is it your one chance so no more diving). you practically miss now your in a ditch and Josh is calling his mommy. your say " don't be a bitch hang up the phone. " girl chimes in and says let's get naughty. REALITY STRIKES you don't put up much of a fight. teacher says " Wake up Jacob you stupid emo fuck." oh that's right your just some one everyone ignores. next day comes you end up dead, blood is dripping on the floor. a note reads " I wasn't that cool I acted a fool and now I'm am no more.