Im wasting my time with this argument

How will I know? What can you say or do that would make me believe? When I know you can go years just to prove a point, when that point proven can be shattered in a know it. I know it. The whole world may not see. They don't need to see. This was never supposed to have happened, but you made it a reality. And left me in the dirt to die alone.( not literally, but that's how it felt.) I'm really trying, man.

Why do I have to expose myself, when you never did. I have to forgive, just because it wouldn't undo what's happened, or because it was immoral to enact revenge. And was said if such actions were taken, I was just as bad as he was. Even though lust had no space in my mind. I never wanted to explore his or any other's body. So how can I be the same. I rarely ever react and when I do, that's when it goes too far. Why ? because i have more patience, really? Because I should already know right from wrong, as I still run through mud. And watch my offender get smothered and coddled ( not literally).


Almost all morals have marked the outsider as the monster, when adapting was the answer all along. Because accepting we where not at home base was just to horrible, but fuck it its not our problem its yours now. ( or to absolutely anyone around.) you have judged anyone, yet never once tried to see what it was like on the other side. Then tell me I wasn't as strong as you were. Yet you're still alive and that should be proof enough. But that's just a joke everyone laughs at. And everyone thinks it's a joke. But how long until it becomes fate.

But then…in the end…what's the point. You don't even know we have your eyes it was only logical that it happened. I mean what else would an overly caffeinated adhd, boy who takes large pills and small pills. It's not like other people have done it. It's not like a little someone had to take 8 a day. But hey who's counting. I know you're sure not!