Hey,I'm right Here

something that fucks me up inside, is knowing that if I had never been sexually assaulted, I would have still had an isolated childhood, on account of pretty much always being bullied. it's always felt like raising your hand to speak in an empty room.your talking but people still pass you.

and ya sure there are people that say that bullying someone makes them tough and gives them good character. but the people who say that have never fucking experienced what it's like to be stuck in your head for 18 fucking years. the local dream for my age is to stay in and play video games, and do drugs, and be disrespectful to those around me. but I never wanted that, and when I don't do it. again I'm the OutKast from all fronts. being looked at as "Mature for my age." or someone with " a wide range sense of humor" or someone " who's just sooooo creative." Simply. Just. FUCK YOU. ITS CALLED TRAUMA BITCH. I NEVER ASKED FOR IT, IT JUST CAME WITH LIFE. AND YES YOUR OLDER, AND HAVE BEEN LIVING LONGER BUT THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHOICE AT A START. AND ABANDONED AT START. How do you expect pitty, when YOU painted the target on YOUR OWN BACK and blamed it all on the cops. I'm not MORE MATURE. I was just surviving when I should have been living. FUCK YOU.( yet another conversation plaguing my mind. )