my self affirmations

#1.) if it sells, they'll use it regardless.

#2.) if people can, people will.

#3.) if people believe they can, they will try.

#4.) morals are pointless because they are opinionated by ourselves.

#5.) people hate the truth and love the lies, but hate when lied to; and yern for a worthy truth teller. ( That's based on lies).

#6.) your story has been told over 1000 times, the only difference is you and how you felt.

#7.) you are easily replaceable, so fight not to be.

#8 fuck your self for seratonin, and for horny.

#9.) value is priceless unless someone gives it, which means as easily as it was given; it can also be taken away.

#10.) fuck everyone else, do what you want because you want. Not because they want;or they did.


#12.) stop trusting people, you aren't them, you are you. you. are.not.them.

#13.)stop trying to think what their thinking, and just ask.

#14.) everything I just said is flawed... because their my morals and I could go on to explain them, but then

#15.) who said the world was ethical, is that what you call power and greed?

#16.) Love.

#17.) music is power.

#18.) being selfish isn't rude, those who say that are greedily selfishly.

#19.) say no.

#20.) say yes.

( I wrote most of this with my glasses off, how cool is that.)