on any givin day there are over 1 million children in foster care world wide and each year more than 35,000 young people age out of foster care with out perminant familys or homes and so meny of them fall thro the cracks forced onto the street with nothing but a garbage bag fied with there stuff and they are left with out a sence of home or family. the foster youth are likly to experiance homeless, incarcration or unemployment but there are a few forcionant ones who acheve the merical of a surcure roof over there heads but only to find out that they have to eat, sleep and study on the floor. im not technically a foster child but i was placed with my aunt that now i call aunt/mom. i was so unknowingly thankful and thought i owed somethin just because i was in a way saved from a horable life but soon too find out that it wasnt much better. it also wasnt what i deserved and with all that said and done it made me not feel sucure it made me feel not worth it and meny times said what if i died when i was 6 months like i almost did. would i be better off not bein here. also i wondered if i would be better off just disapering with out a word or trase. meny questions like this ran thro my mind all the time. yes i still have these questions sometimes but i know deep down inside me that i really am a grate person and deserve way more than i am givin. just maybe one day ill feel the hole inside of me. one day i made the tuffest chose that i have ever had to make at the age 23. should i stay or leve was the question at hand. after about three times of going back and forth i chose to leve and left with literly nothin but the cloths on my back. I had to wear them for at least a month and a halph to a year not exactly sure, but with the help of my twinny denise who helped me to my feet and got all that I needed to servie. I was built to be a worrier and so are you so keep strong.