Chapter 234: Resonance

"Huh?" Shun Yin gaped at Angelica, confused for a moment. He wasn't sure he had heard her correctly. "What the hell is resonance?"

"What, you never watched Sousei no Onmyouji or something?"

"I did, but I didn't know you were a fan of anime. Besides, this is reality, not a manga. Or the anime adaptation."

Angelica rolled her eyes and tightened her grip on his hand. "Just keep quiet and cooperate with me already. Synchronize your mana with mine. This is pretty easy to screw up on."

The Cerberus wasn't going to wait patiently for them, however. Even as its sonic assault faltered against Angelica's white firewall, it continued to lunge forward. Shun Yin was aware that it was perfectly capable of smashing through the firewall with brute force and its sheer bulk.