Chapter 235: Far from Over

"Stuart Swordsmanship, First Stance."

Lionel Stuart had his eyes closed and his hand placed on the hilt of his katana, crouching low as he prepared to draw his sword.

"Ten Thousand Splinters."

In a flash, tens of thousands of razor-sharp splinters rained down upon the giant Shaggrowth, peppering it with deadly destruction.

"Stuart Swordsmanship, Seventh Stance."

This time, a blizzard of petals swirled around Lionel in an elegant manner, a myriad of colors filling the air.

"Blossoms of Life and Death."

The millions of petals swallowed the gigantic Shaggrowth, behaving like a single, enormous living tide. The dark creature wailed with a bubbly noise before it was consumed and disintegrated by the mystical petals.
