Chapter 247: Fighting for Rice

"Apparently, the more opponents you defeat, the more rice…uh, I mean points you get."

Dong Fang Yue Chu was explaining the rules of the qualifiers to me, as if I didn't already hear them the previous chapter. I nodded distractedly.


"Don't 'okay' me!" Dong Fang Yue Chu snapped. "Why are you behaving as if this has nothing to do with you?! It's almost a week and you still have yet to fight in any of the qualifying matches…except the one against Tie Quan!"

Originally, Vincent had given us all a week to run the qualifiers, and the top five by the end of the week would get the chance to participate in the Spiritual Road. Other than Tie Quan, who had kept his word and challenged me on the first day, I hadn't fought any other qualifying matches.