Chapter 248: I want ten!

Everyone watched in icy horror as Dong Fang Yue Chu toppled to the ground, the side of his head bruised and scorched by Zuo Teng's spell. It wasn't a fire spell because the fire mage would have some resistance to it, but still…

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Teacher Fielding hollered as he grabbed Zuo Teng by the collar and heaved him off his feet. "Who gave you the order to shoot a student?!"

"But he went and took the sack of rice even though he lost."

"…what's with the rice?" one of the students whispered, completely lost at what was going on. I mean, seriously, who shot a student for taking a sack of rice he had rightly won? Actually, she had a point. Why were they giving out rice to students for winning qualifiers in the first place?

The guy beside the female student scowled. "Huh? You never watched any of Donnie Yen's movies? Especially the first movie of the franchise that made him famous?"

Ah. That explained the chapter title above.