Chapter 283: After Action Analysis


Lilith panted as she hung limply, suspended in the air by countless vines. Around her, flowers bloomed as they drank her mana, blossoming in a myriad of colors that turned the coliseum into a temporary garden.

"That technique…doesn't that belong to the Stuart clan? I'm pretty sure Uncle Shun Yin never learned anything like that!"

"Perhaps." I shrugged nonchalantly. "I learned this from neither Dad nor the Stuart clan. I learned it on my own."

"How?!" Lilith glared at the chibi Green Dragon that had curled up on my shoulder, trying not to splutter. She probably could have summoned Kagutsuchi by now, except that I had drained her of all of her mana, and she didn't have the energy to pull off such a powerful summoning spell.