Chapter 285: Embarking on the Expedition

Nope. I'm not going to waste time dedicating an entire chapter (or several, if I was Skeleton Wizard) to describing a meaningless party. There was only so many times you could repeat a party chapter where students from other academies continued to inexplicably look down on your team for no reason other than because you were the main character, and it got pretty old. In any event, nothing of note happened, we had food, we had fun, and then we went home the next day.

That was pretty much it, and I found myself reminiscing over the days that I spent in Vermillion Academy. That week of practice matches and other stuff was really fun.

It didn't take long before Principal Porter contacted me.

"Are you looking forward to it?" he asked me, as ecstatic as ever. I tried not to let a bead of perspiration drip down my head.

"Uh, yeah. I am. This sounds fun."