Chapter 329: Caves of Ice

The first day ended without incident. Well, I guess the Assassins weren't going to attack this early. Maybe? I had no idea. In any case, even though we silently kept a vigilant eye out for those Assassins, we saw none of them.


As we trudged through the snow, trekking through the forest at the foot of the mountains, the sky overhead slowly darkened. It wasn't unusual for the sun to set early during the winter. During December in Minnesota, the sun set as early as 4.30pm. Hell, I heard that the sun set at 3pm in Alaska, and they had less than six hours of daylight during some periods of winter. In fact, there was that famous legend of thirty days of night in Alaska (there was a book series about vampires on it that even had a movie adaptation). I wasn't sure if Alaska really had polar nights, but I knew for sure that the north and south poles definitely underwent a month without daylight, occurring between latitudes of 67˚24' and 72˚34' for both.