Chapter 330: Movement in the Shadows

When I opened my eyes, it was already morning. Even though it was already past 6am, the sun still had yet to rise. That was perpetual winter for you. The days were short and the nights were long. The sun most likely wouldn't rise for another hour.

"Ugh…sorry for oversleeping."

The girls were awake, preparing food and cooking stuff. I caught a sniff of what smelled like stew. Evidently the girls thought it would be a good idea to boil some soup. And I agreed – I could feel my mouth watering already.

"Oh, you didn't oversleep. We just didn't want to wake you and the others. You guys were on sentry duty last night, so you need the rest."

At Lily's words, I glanced over and saw that Yue Chu and Harrison were still asleep. Like me, Harrison was slowly stiring to wakefulness, but he was careful not to accidentally nudge the slightly snoring Yue Chu awake.