Chapter 331: Avalanche, Assassins and Ambushes

Thankfully, even without Harrison's instructions, we were all able to automatically dive for cover and evade the bombardment of elemental spells and mana beams that lanced into the snow, boiling it immediately.

Grabbing Theodore by the collar, I dragged him along with me and hurled the both of us into a hollow underneath a tree. Flames scorched the trunk and lit the whole thing aflame, but I quickly extinguished the fire with a basic water spell.

"We need to counterattack!" Theodore growled, heaving. He nodded at me, as if realizing he had forgotten something. "Thanks for saving me."

"No, I didn't really do much."

The crimson beams of mana continued to slam mercilessly into the snow, forcing us to keep our heads down. They were followed by a volley of fireballs, and a web of lightning bolts that arced toward our cover, dissipating against the snow.