Chapter 406: Calm before the storm

When I woke up later that night, I saw several messages waiting for me in my smartphone. Fumbling with it, I switched it on and saw that they were all from Harrison. He was updating me on the results of today's match.

"Pendragon Academy won their match today," he informed me via text message. "That means, if we beat Saint Teresa Academy tomorrow, we'll be facing them in the semifinals."

Of course, we had to beat Saint Teresa Academy first before we could think of facing Pendragon Academy. Last year's finalists were the favorites to win this year. Hey, weren't they the champion last year as well, now that I thought about it? I couldn't remember (I was very certain they made it all the way to the finals, though), but a quick Google search showed that they did indeed won last year's championship. Charles Lacroix in particular was a formidable swordsman who surpassed even the Sword Saint, Kureha Franklin, and he beat her in the captain's match last year.