Chapter 407: The Chronicles of Lute Dragoon

Lute Dragoon was…in a word, a gigantic playboy. No, I wasn't talking about his physical size.

The number of women who fell in love with him was just ridiculous. It was as if girls fell for him just because he breathed. His mother was first among those to fall prey to his charms, and ended up giving him a handjob when he was seven, when they were taking his bath together. His half-sister (becaue his dad somehow managed to legally marry two wives, which was technically against the law but the original creator didn't care about logic) kissed him on the mouth when they were both eight, and even his stepmother (his father's second wife) ended up being seduced by his natural charisma. By fourteen all four of them were sleeping together, and by sleeping I did not mean "resting" but a more…let's just say carnal activity.