Chapter 408: The Chronicles of Lute Dragoon II

Pegasus materialized and I hopped onto him. Stirring him into action, I had my brown winged horse take off into the air and charge right at Lute Dragoon and his wyvern. The dragoon, to his credit, didn't back down and met my attack head-on, his spear lancing straight for my heart.

My flying steed banked to the right, thanks to a gentle mental nudge from me, and I slashed at Lute when his wyvern swept past us. Sparks flew as he yanked his two-handed spear back to parry my blow, and then he was gone.

The both of us circled each other in the air, eyeing the other party warily. For my part, I felt greatly relieved. Earlier, I was at a complete disadvantaged, rooted the ground and outdone in mobility by Lute. Now that I had summoned my own flying Constellation spirit, I was finally able to fight on par with him.