Chapter 441: Killer Bees

We crept to the edge of the forest, staying cautious as we hugged the trees for cover. There were a couple of harrowing moments when the scouts hurried back, reporting sightings of a Phantom Tiger or a Medicinal Mastodon, both of which were massive monsters with enough power to wipe out a small platoon. They were not creatures we could rush into battle with, not without expecting a few casualties at least. Of course we could kill them, but that would just draw the attention of other monsters lurking in the mountains, and as mentioned earlier, it was not a simple matter of Doctor Dorden casting healing magic on them and they could jump back up to their feet and immediately fight again.

This was a search and extraction mission, not a combat one, so there was little point into getting into meaningless fights. While the goal was to eventually exterminate all monsters from this world, it remained unrealistic. Not unless we could somehow stop Emergence Events totally.