Chapter 444: Mountain Base

I filled Feng Hai and the others in, and the mercenary leader listened with a furrowed brow. Taking a deep breath, he glanced in the southwest direction, as if by doing so he could somehow spot the base and the personnel running it.

"Any clue as to who those people are?" he asked gruffly. I understood his mood because I also realized that anybody setting up base camp in Yao Cai Mountains couldn't possibly be some random civilians coming out for herbs gathering. Having already anticipated his question, I had one of my Corvus soar closer to the base, his keen eyes picking out the finer details.


"What is it?" Redfield demanded impatiently when he heard me curse under my breath. I grimaced and opened my eyes to look at him.

"They are wearing black cloaks."

"…huh? In the mountains? Is that some kind of new fashion style? Well, maybe they do need the cloaks to keep themselves warm, given the cool climate, but…"