Chapter 445: Infiltration

It took us half a day to cover the remaining distance, and by the time we reached the edge of the forest on the mountain overlooking the Dark Church's base, it was past noon. The sun had just brushed past its zenith and beginning its slow descent toward the western horizon.

Strangely enough, there wasn't as much activity today, and the outskirts of the base were largely empty. Mainly because the cargo was all transported yesterday, and so there wasn't much on today's schedule. Nonetheless, we could still see a few robed sentries here and there, enduring the heat stoically despite how sweltering it must be to be dressed in those dreary black cloaks.

"Is your team ready?" Feng Hai asked Brown, whose recon team had assembled near one of the larger trees that served as sufficient cover. The sentries weren't staring in our direction, their eyes stoically glued forward, but even if they had turned to glance this way, they probably wouldnn't be able to spot us.