Chapter 470: Mission Accomplished

"Oh, that's great!" I felt a surge of relief. Sort of, because I still dreaded going down to the damned sewers again. That place was like hell. "Thanks for telling me. I'll go down there and wipe them out this time."

"Well, actually…" the lieutenant gave me a strange look. "You already exterminated them."

"Huh?" I gaped at him. "How? I didn't even know where the nest was, to begin with…"

"Um…" the military officer cleared his throat. "Well, the fire you triggered down in the sewers…it spread pretty rapidly and burned out the entire sewers, as I said earlier. The flames reached their nest and incinerated all of them, including their young. We found nothing but corpses. There were a few survivors, but they had been so severely injured by your flames that they weren't able to get very far. Some of them died from their wounds after dragging themselves across the burned sludge. Others…well, my men slew them when we came across them during the investigation."