Chapter 471: Theoretical exams and results

Let's skip the next month or so and go straight to the exams, because nothing of note happened in between. Not unless you want me to elaborate on training, which…let's be honest, is pretty boring. It was just me telling and demonstrating to Adrian and Melina various sword techniques and magic spells. Well, Melina didn't need much in the way of magic spells because she was already a genius in that aspect, but since I knew wood magic and Adrian was trying to master the Stuart style swordsmanship that possessed tremendous affinity with the wood element, I might as well help him out with that.

Otherwise…nothing happened.

"Good luck with your exams," I told the both of them before we started our journey toward school one day. As I said, we had reached the end of the month, so about three weeks or less after the whole incident in Lupin City with the Cyclops Rats.