Chapter 545: Late Night Meeting

"What are you doing here?"

Ling Xue Xiao folded her arms and glared at me as I wandered into the warehouse that Lin Xuan Chi suggested as the meeting place. It had taken quite a bit of time and caution on my part to leave the Franklin Manor undetected, a problem Ling Xue Xiao didn't seem to have. I didn't want Adrian and Melina following me into what was clearly a trap.

I had contingencies in place, but I didn't want to call upon them until absolutely necessary.

"Xuan Chi Senpai told me to meet him here," I replied. I was actually using the Chinese version xue zhang, but English readers would probably be more likely to recognize the word senpai.

"Why would he do that?"

"Why don't you ask him?" When Ling Xue Xiao scoffed at my reply, I sighed and shrugged. "Maybe he wants my help to find the spy."