Chapter 546: The Spy

Gasping, I tried to right myself despite being on the verge of blacking out from the pain. But the vampire on my right kicked me, sending me tumbling over.

The other vampire tried to slash me, but Scutum Sobiescianum rose to block his attack while I rolled on the floor. Fortunately, I had my two swords to parry his other blood claws, my black and white blades whirling around almost on automatic response to block and defend myself. I was moving more from conditioned reflexes than conscious thought now.

And then the other vampires descended upon me. Already, the ground beneath my back was starting to explode with blood spears. I could literally sense the mana bursting out from under my body and was forced to quickly roll away before I got impaled by them.

When I sprang to my feet, the new group of vampires landed, surrounding me in a ring. They raised their mana-infused claws and got ready to slash me to death.