Chapter 557: Family Reunion

"Ji Yan!"

Nan Gong Zhao Yan was running through the smoky remnants of the wrecked castle. She had just barely left the entrance, which had been melted through by my Serpenta's acid, when she caught sight of her sister.

Nan Gong Ji Yan was currently sitting at the back of a medical vehicle, which had been customized into a military ambulance, a towel wrapped around her filthy body. Clearly she had ben sedated, for her eyes were blank and she was silent as hell. She looked up to stare at her approaching sister hollowly, not a hint of recognition in her eyes.

"Careful," the medic warned Zhao Yan. "She is in terrible psychological shape. We have treated her physical injuries – they were mostly minor, though there are signs of lesions and abrasions in her groin area."

In other words, she had been raped. Xu Wu Cheng, that bastard…I was so glad that I had killed him. Death was the least he deserved.