Chapter 558: Aftermath

Eventually, the mission was over. The Federation military began the process of transporting the abductees to a hospital so that they could receive treatment. While most of the physical injuries could be easily treated with healing magic cast by medics, the victims required monitoring, to see if there were other ill effects. Nan Gong Ji Yan, in particular, was sent in so that they could run more tests on her.

…to confirm if she was a vampire…

A lot of the hostages were dead. Nan Gong Zhao Yan explained that Fan Le Lao killed them and sucked their blood in front of her in order to blackmail her for information on the Nan Gong family's secret purification magic.

She gave in eventually, but she refused to tell him of her sister's or family's whereabouts. Apparently, that was where Ji Yan came in. Xu Wu Cheng forced the Nan Gong family's address out of her during the gang-rape. The surviving Crimson Blood Demonic Night clan members attested to that.