Chapter 559: Another Time Skip

Before I knew it, time had flown by as if it was a bullet.

After the whole vampire incident in Saint Teresa Academy, I had no reason to stick around so I returned to Jing Tian City and Jing Tian Academy. I kept in touch with Rossetti and Kufa, and sometimes spoke to Zhao Yan and Yue Jian. Ji Yan still had not recovered, her mind broken and her sanity shattered after Xu Wu Cheng's abuse. I had no idea how long she would need to heal her mind, if it would ever recover at that.

After returning to Jing Tian Academy, I completed the rest of the year there. My third year flew past, I finished the Gao Kao (basically the high school examination that allowed students to graduate and enter university). I received an invitation from Vermillion University, with Henry Porter sending me an offer letter even before I passed my exams.

The guy had too much faith in me.