Chapter 582: The Serpent’s Lair

The next morning, we immediately set out for the Snow Jade Serpent's lair. The moment the first rays of sunlight streamed through the place, we left the inn with our gear and everything.

"Over here."

Zhao Yan quickly scrambled to the forest where she laast saw the second Snow Jade Serpent. Moving through the forest, she searched for tracks. While the snow had covered most of the prints that the massive Snow Jade Serpent had left behind, there other clear signs of its presence, such as fallen trees and flattened logs that its bulk had crushed.

Zhao Yan knelt by these uprooted trees and cast her spells while Yue Jian, Bernard and I waited nearby, spread out and watching for threats. Aside from the Snow Jade Serpent, which was unlikely to have returned this early, there were other monsters inhabiting the forest, such as Ravagers, Silver Wolves and Stalkers.