Chapter 583: Head to Head

The arrow detonated as soon as it struck the amored head of the Snow Jade Serpent, engulfing the behemoth in a colossal conflagration. The Snow Jade Serpeent hissed in agony even as its body slowly disintegrated, and then its charred corpse toppled over. Fumes billowed from the blackened carcass, filling the cave.

The remains of the Snow Jade Serpent lay in a huge crater, the soil and rock scorched from my spell.

"Great job!" Zhao Yan called out and joined me and Yue Jian. Bernard reached us a few seconds later, shaking his fist. He glanced up, his affinity with mountains warning him of something.

"We should get out of here."

"Eh?" Yue Jian blinked in confusion. "Why?"

Before any of us could reply, the cave shook and stalactites and stalgamites crashed down. My arrow hadn't just obliterated the Snow Jade Serpent. It had triggered a cave-in and the cavern was collapsing on itself.