Chapter 595: Mount Dream

I woke up in the middle of the night. At first, I thought it was my imagination – the opening of a door. That shouldn't be right. No one should have the card key to my hotel room.

Then the footsteps came, soft padding along the carpet that lined the floor. I froze and began casting a spell, but my nighttime visitor spoke up.

"Sh, it's just me. Don't worry."

I sat up in my bed, blinking in confusion. I fumbled for my glasses, but my guest stopped my arm.

"It's all right. I prefer it like this anyway."

"Rossetti? What are you…?"

I recognized her voice instantly, and even though I wasn't wearing my glasses, I could still make out her long, red hair. She was staring at me intently with her cherry-colored eyes.

"Sorry. I just couldn't sleep."