Chapter 596: Like Father, Like Son

When I woke up the next morning, nudged awake by an impatient Saya, I saw that the daylight was streaming in.

"Wake up, all of you!" she hollered. The girl was sure crabby. She had to take the last shift, and even though she had uninterrupted sleep throughout the first three shifts, she was still annoyed that she had to get up earlier than everyone else.

Never mind that we all served our shifts as sentries. What a bitch.

Kufa gave her a dry stare and she immediately looked a little embarrassed. She cleared her throat.

"It's time to wake up. You told me to wake you up at this time, didn't you?"

"You could do it in a less…rude manner," Kufa pointed out with a sigh, just as annoyed because he had just woken up. Like me, he wasn't in a terribly good mood. I was resisting the urge to grab Saya by the throat and slam her against the wall. Good thing too, because I knew Saya wasn't necessarily being malicious.