The Legend Begins (Prologue)

Spirits of the world have always gathered in battle. Entities unseen to the human eye, and apparitions of both dark and light have fought for centuries. Angelic beings and demonic monsters drape their blankets of power over the universe, clashing swords, spears, and fists for dominance. It hasn't always been like this. Centuries ago, the universe we know was under the balance of the angelic, yet mystical queen of light simply named Feliferi. Feliferi keeps maintenance over all things pure and good, making sure events in the universe are pure and healthy, while in the underbellies of the universe is a dark, demonic entity named Solaria... controller of all things evil.

This dark, large, brooding, colossus and terrifying beast is the essence of Hell and all things devilish... punishing souls for all their misdeeds through both life and death, causing trouble in his path when he feels the world is too pure. Solaria, the dark lord of evil, has never been fond of keeping peace with his angelic counterpart. In his secrecy, Solaria has been withholding secret plans to plague the universe in eternal darkness, leaving every innocent inhabitant of each planet to suffer in torture. Blood would be dripping down every foolish being's body day by day, suffering malignant and over-the-top torture. Planning to leave even the purest of the inhabitant to scream bloody murder for mercy as their flesh is repeatedly laced under Solaria's control, leaving them spiritually burning for all eternity. However, Feliferi overheard Solaria's plot and wasted no time in an attempt to stop him. Traveling to the other side of the universe, the goddess flew into a castle where the demon resides, wielding nothing but her magical staff. Feliferi stood there in the dark lord's menacing presence.

"Stop!" Feliferi cried, "Stop this plotting of evil! Do you not know of the imbalance you shall cause to the universe?" Solaria looks over her with disgust. Simply rising from his chair, standing his ground against Feliferi, the dark lord insisted darkly, "Fool... Do you not see the... abhorrent disgust these lifeforms have brought to the universe? What you see as pure and innocent is just a mask they use to hide their true nature. No mere mortal can ever be deemed as pure... They must be cleansed..." Feliferi responds at Solaria in shock to its comment, "That's a lie! There IS good in all life, no matter who or what they are. These living beings all have faults and imperfections. WE have faults and imperfections, but that is what makes us all mystical, especially you... Please... Do not do this, Solaria. I beg of you... My love..." The dark spirit looks at Feliferi sharply when she called him "her love." The demon slowly, and grimly walks over to the angelic spirit. Solaria slowly holds Feliferi's cheeks with his dark, purple and black claws, leaving no scratches on her face. He looks into her eyes, staring deep into the soul of the young goddess. Slowly, his masked lips gently brush against her own.

"S-Solaria...." whispered Feliferi, being lost into his eyes, "I.." There is a silence between the two. The dark lord slowly, and deeply presses his lips onto Feliferi's, kissing her with a dark, twisted lust for passion. Feliferi, who lost within the kiss, begins to lower her defense, and simply wraps her arms around Solaria's neck. The two kiss with a passion. A passion that causes the universe to slow down in time, leaving only the two lovers unfazed to enjoy the moment. That is... until a sharp pain thrusts deep into Feliferi's stomach. The angel pushes off Solaria in shock and fear. Her body begins to tremble and shake. Her lips and would begin to slowly bleed near-fatal amounts of blood as if she was stabbed directly in her stomach. Feliferi responds in horror of his actions, "Solaria... How could you...?!" The demon chuckles at his actions, smugly retorting with,"This universe can only have one ruler... and no insolent fool is going to stop me from my plans." Solaria slashes more at Feliferi's torso with his claws. Slowly becoming weaker, Feliferi grabs her mystic staff and begins to fight back.

Both entities clashed, shooting ancient and mystic spells unlike any other, vying for the prized dominance of the feeble universe. Both deities struck each other with great power! However, due to Feliferi's injuries, Solaria was able to gain the upper hand, clawing at her, thrusting his fists into her abdomen and knocking her down. The demon tricks her with a mind spell until finally slipping behind her and restraining her. Feliferi pleads to the demon, "Solaria.... Please...." as she felt her strength fizzle away, but the demon was too lost in his power to listen. Her body begins to burn in agony, as the demon's vicious claws begin to strangle her well-being. The angel goddess closed her eyes shut, straining the amount of power she has left until her body glimmered with a blinding red aura. Solaria tore his black flesh where his mouth would be, and everything horrifying to the innocent mind is exasperated through the blood-curdling screams of torture and misery. Solaria then lunges at Feliferi to finish her off but is suddenly knocked back by a powerful energy force. A ring of crystalline power begins to form around Feliferi as she starts to glow brighter, wielding power much stronger than that of Solaria.

"It can't be...." Said Solaria.

"It is. And you must pay for your insolence, Solaria," Feliferi commanded harshly. Her body shines as bright as a star, growing large, powerful, and deadly wings at her disposal. Even the sheer sight of her would permenantly blind one's naked eyes. Feliferi then begins to punish the demon, petrifying every part of his soul with pure, unbounded energy, attempting to purify him of his dark and evil ways. Her power could kill Solaria as she repeatedly laid waste to his energy source, leaving him helpless and a bloody mess. Solaria tried begging in a way similar to Feliferi, "Please my angel... S-spare me! I will be good, I swear!" Feliferi responds darkly, having her light spear aimed at his face, "There is no way I am going to fall for that again." Solaria, cornered against his throne, is unsure of what to do. That is until he discovers an unusual amulet encased directly above his seat. He gives it one good look with his eyes until returning his vision to Feliferi, easily conjuring a wicked plan.

"Feliferi... If you let me live, then I will surrender to you. I will bring down all my defenses. I will only maintain the darkness as I was tasked. No evil shall be feared... and restore my soul... Restore our love even." Solaria spoke with a convincing, manipulative tone. As he spoke to her, Feliferi's guard lowers slowly, allowing the shapeshifter to one of his tentacles to remove the amulet from its casing quietly. The amulet, a jewel with its golden shine, centered with a crystalline ruby, and cryptic symbols engraved across the relic's edges is known for giving the user limitless power. Only those that can conquer its manipulative crosses can wield such an artifact. Taking his chance as Feliferi is finally convinced to have her guard down, Solaria lunges forth, and RIPS the amulet from its bearings!

Unlocking the amulet's limitless power, Solaria initiates a powerful demonic scream that echoes across the galaxy, stealing Feliferi of both her powers and much of her remaining her life force. Feliferi screams in agony as she falls to the floor, causing her wings and her staff to shatter to pieces. The goddess instantly felt her energy draining until her skin is slightly withered and weak. As Solaria screams, a vicious voice is heard from his gaping mouth, "ETERNAL DARKNESS SHALL RISE... EVIL WILL CONQUER THE UNIVERSE... NOTHING SHALL STOP ME FROM MY PLANS! AND YOU, MY BELOVED... YOU. SHALL. FALL!!!!!" Solaria pushes Feliferi back with his powerful words, thrusting her life-drained body until she lays cold against the decrepit walls. Solaria then slithers over to her, picks her up by her neck and stares at her intensely, surrounding her in darkness. With her lasting breath, Feliferi gave Solaria a few enduring words, "You... You will be defeated one day... For there will be a champion... Strong enough t-to defeat you..." Solaria laughs grimly, "No mere 'champion' will be great enough to defeat me." He then punches Feliferi in the gut, causing her to cry. However, her will to stay strong allowed her to take whatever he had, regardless of her weakening strength. Then, a gently glow arises from Feliferi's hand as she looks the vicious demon straight into his eyes.

"I see greatness... I see heroic feats. I see... a champion... I see... Purity..." She then touches the amulet as quickly as she can, blessing her with enough power overtake Solaria's current dominance over the jewel. The effects cause create an ear-shattering scream as she gave herself over the amulet's power, fusing her very body and soul from her body and into the amulet's diamond- encrusted crystal, causing everything around her to blast away at extreme speeds. Solaria was thrust back, awestruck of such power... He HAD to have it... but his body was more focused on trying to hold his ground instead. Solaria clawed himself closer to attempt stealing back the amulet, but it's too late as the fusion is suddenly complete. To strengthen the situation, the amulet then shutters and shocks and blasts its way deep into the vacuum of space. Solaria instantly gave chase after the amulet and his former beloved.

The ancient relic dodges the demon's swing of tentacles just before creating a portal fast enough to fly into it and disappear right before Solaria's very eyes. Overwhelmed in disbelief, Solaria swung his claws and roars an echoing cry of defeat before flying back to his throne. The disturbed deity destroyed what was left of his throne room. Solaria destroys everything leaving no valuable untouched during his psychotic rage. That is, until a spellbook falls from the rubble of castle ceiling. The book was dusted, but with a shiny, yet cracked emerald in the center. Solaria examined the book with wonder, then opens it. Inside revealed demonic and evil spells and powers far dangerous than what Solaria ever had practiced before.

Opening the book suddenly overwhelms Solaria, fusing him with powers unimaginable... ungodly... and torturous, turning the dark entity's powers from benevolent, to twisted and fear-inducing. It causes his eyes to shine a white with a devilish purple flame that when inverted, opens up a see-through of what twisted happenings will occur to those who walk into Solaria's path. The book's power gives Solaria an intense black sheen, leaving his body dark as a shadow, horns as sharp as spikes, and the ability to summon minions of any kind. This made Solaria the most powerful being of the universe. Solaria, with his newfound abilities, gave a twisted smile, with teeth sharp and disjointed as an idea invaded his head. He then raises his claws from his hands and closes his eyes. Silence surrounds the place as Solaria stands. A sudden quake is heard as a low rumble, similar to drums beating harder and harder as beings of Hell slowly arose from portals. Monsters with sharp claws, vicious spells, and appearances only in nightmares began to stand before Solaria. Solaria stood tall, brooding just before his sharp roars cause all of the monsters and demons bow down to him.

"MY PEOPLE... You see that I have freed from your prisons. That's only for one reason and one reason alone. For far too long we have been squandered by the forces of good. Purity... happiness... INNOCENCE!! all of which are reasons why every being of each feeble planet remain abstinent of their true nature. They're fools... and we're powerless against them. However, heh heh... we have an advantage." Solaria then pulls out a dark crystal filled with high energy. The crystal then opens up and reveals the demons' prime target. The target in question... the mystical amulet. Solaria then refers back to the demons, "This amulet is our only way to secure our dominance in the universe. But an angel has deceived us by plaguing its power with good... Now it flies across the galaxy, searching for someone to defeat us... a champion, if you will..." A foolish demon stands up and question's the dark lord's motives, "For what if we don't want to challenge this, er, champion, eh? Why should we give our allegiance to you?" Solaria looks upon this brave fool with a dark smile, and then at a sudden moment, a crunch erupts, and the miniature demon is devoured by Solaria and his voracious teeth. The last essence known of this fool were the sounds of his dying soul, screaming for mercy until he was heard no more.

Solaria swallowed and licked the blood from his lips before questioning, "Does anyone else have any more important questions?" The monsters and demons are struck with fear, immediately bow down to him and swearing him their allegiance. Highly appreciative, Solaria made a commandment to his burgeoning army, "Fellow demons! Welcome to the beginning of a new era! On this day forth, we shall conquer every planet in the universe, harboring darkness and death wherever we go. No fool can overcome our terror! HAIL EVIL!" The monsters, villains, and demons chant, "HAIL EVIL! HAIL EVIL! HAIL SOLARIA! OUR EVIL RULER, FOREVER!" Solaria then smiled an evil smile. A smile as twisted as any demonic smile could be. A smile of nightmares and terror just waiting to be unleashed unto the universe. A smile filled with nothing... Nothing but a destiny that shall be...

Centuries have passed, and Solaria has taken dominance over many corners of the universe. As he looks out upon the fabric of the universe, he watches the stars... watching... waiting for when the amulet will show so that he prepare himself for Feliferi and her so-called "champion." Solaria spoke to himself with a grim smile, "I'll be waiting, my dear... Even if it takes centuries more for your champion to be found. But be warned... By the time you find your so-called champion... It will already be too late." Solaria then the universe a vicious laugh... a cackling laugh... A laugh so evil... that even Feliferi, who has trapped herself inside the amulet, could hear as it echoes across the galaxy. She looks outside of the shining jewel, searching for a world that has not been overtaken by Solaria's influence. So far, she found nothing and began to lose hope. That is until the jewel began to shine a bright red. It must mean something... it must be signifying that it has found a free world. A world with someone who will bring hope to the universe once again. Feliferi uses the amulet to fly to its destined trail, hoping that wherever it lands, a champion will be there no matter how long it takes. The amulet drifts through the galaxy... following the trail, searching for a new home... One that lived miles... and miles... away...