The Legend Begins (Ch. 1)

Years have passed and the planetary alignment has evolved. However, many of these once-thriving worlds have all succumbed to the dominance of Solaria and his vicious dictatorship. What was left of the surviving Angelic army struggled to fight back the domineering force, but to no avail. The drifting amulet was believed to have been lost, even to the few angels who wished to recover it... but Solaria kept on his search. The dark demon has grown in his dark power, fueled by an aching lust for vengeance and torture. His throne, with an appearance that festers with restless spirits under the mercy of a spell-casting witch, gives the body a shiver of fear, prompting any unlucky soul to cry as fate appears to be most unkind. Solaria stood there, thinking to himself, "I know it is out there... But where? Where?" Solaria is then interrupted by a screech that pierces the delicate mirror of his thoughts.

"Master...." Called a dark, scratchy voice, "We have found thine precious jewel." The mysterious figure hovers into the room, unveiling itself as a creaky old witch. This witch was centuries old, living a very vengeful life. Her body has said to have been burned at the stake by a group of Puritans in ages past. Her skin has melted to nothing but bone, which seemed ready to snap at any minute. Her hair was ragged, frizzled and sharp as steel wool. Her clothes were tattered in the dark, blue with tears, shears, and endless third-degree burns. Solaria looked upon the witch and questioned her doubtful statement. He looked at her with disbelief and hatred in his eyes. Solaria wanted answers... and they better be good. The witch gave him a similar look and proceeded to speak.

"The amulet has drifted far yonder," The crotchety witch rhymed, "but a discovery made thou shalt ponder. The traitorous Goddess has set a magic trail, blasting through the solar system for a champion to prevail. Though this place we have yet to conquer... thrust our army to make us stronger."

"An unknown planet you say... But how do you know? Where is your proof?" Questioned the dark lord. His sharp claws slowly gripped against the wooden arms of his chair.

"Here is thine proof, master," spoke the wicked old witch. She opened up a black eye located at the palm of her skeleton hand. The eye shines its red irises until forming an image, revealing the amulet being escorted by an energy trail. Solaria lunged in shock from the sight only he could behold. The lord of demons then probes the witch with surprised tone, "Where?! Where is it headed? Show me, foul witch, this instant!" The image then displays the image floating around a nearby planet. A planet mixed with green lands, white clouds, hillsides, and blue seas.

"This... this be the dwelling the jewel chooses to land. The exact world that that... OMNIPOTENT DEITY laid down his acts and wash away the sand. A place thy hath with devilish joy... That is before the filthy inhabitants of this planet burned me at the stake," The witch scorned, losing the amnesty in her jovial rhymes, "This sphere is infested with impure, feeble-minded souls. Ones that are just ripe for eternal torture, master. A world where vengeance is just a secondary name for torture..." Solaria observes the planet through his subordinate's decrepit eye. He then uses a map of entire universe that was forged by the former gods' he aligned with. The dark lord then points at a particular location on the chart and confirms, "It is headed here. In the Apex Quadrant of the Sector 7. A feeble and weak Galaxy, yet strongly located near the sun, using it as its life force. I'm surprised we haven't conquered it sooner. But what is this planet called exactly...?"

"Scholars call it the planet Earth, sire. 'Tis nothing but a place of fools, gaily and whimsically prancing about like a flood of pure inbred fools. Their sounds are highly odd and their looks a bit queer," the witch degraded. Her resentment towards the people of the planet does not phase Solaria. Instead, the black cloak is in a deep intent to conquer the Earth and its companion planets. He looks to the witch and orders to her, "Away with you, witch. For I currently formulating a new plan." The witch bows to the overlord, "Hail Solaria," then leaves the room.

Solaria then studies and marks the section of the map where planet Earth is located. Afterward, he calls upon his minions, instructing them to craft a device that will allow them to travel across the universe with ease, all so that they cause some destruction to the planet's plane of existence, and ensure that when this champion arrives... the invasion is coming. The dark demon watches as his minions exit the throne room before turning to a crescent that nestles right above the dark lord's mighty chair. Up there, he visualizes the goddess he left behind, then issues her a challenge. Whoever wields such a powerful amulet shall battle with his dark and vicious assortment of monsters and demons. If the "champion" happens to succeed, then they shall face Solaria in a final duel for dominance over the Galaxy. If they are to lose, however, then the universe will forever be doomed to the unholy might of Eternal Darkness. Solaria echoes this message through the vast emptiness of space, wayward to the pathetic amulet that the Goddess hopes will find its champion. Feliferi could hear his vile words as she holds tight to her staff. The pressure raises on... all as the amulet slowly begins to enter the solar system where living planet of Earth humbly resides.