The Legend Begins (Ch. 3)

"ALRIIIIGHT!!! LISTEN UP, SLACKERS!" opened an estranged voice, "WELCOME TO GYM CLASS! I promise you that your time here will be rigorous! Painful! And Muscle-Building like the great Olympians of ROME! will make you SWEAT. I will make you CRY. I will make you BULKY. I will make you BLEED WITH PERSEVERANCE. I will WHIP aaaaalllll of you yellow-bellies into SHAPE, and BREAK YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! I, Coach Burgundun, AM NOT YOUR MAMA. So I don't wanna hear no whining... Or crying. Or hearing that my nails broke. I WANNA HEAR CHAMPIONS OUT OF YOU. YOU GOT THAT, SLACKERS?!" The teens stare at the coach with deep silence. One young man, however, attempted to raise his hand to ask, "Uhh sir..? What if we want to do all this for fun?" Sonia took a look at the curious boy. His hair is blonde yet is spiky at the front. He's a bit skinny but looked strong enough for at least a few athletic sports. Coach Burgundun walks to the boy and welcomed him with a facade of a smile.

"Why yes. I believe that fun is the perfect way to be in the gym. Where we can all be happy, friendly, and not have a care in the world." The coach replied and as the boy began to smile. That is until the coach's face goes from cheery and nymph-like to dark and enraged like a John Kricfalusi cartoon. The coach throttled from the back of his throat, and began screaming, "WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS?! SOME PONY-FILLED GIRLY LAND THAT BOYS CAN ENJOY?! GYM AIN'T NO PLACE OF RAINBOWS, PADDY TWINKLE-TOES! GYM IS WAAARRRRR...!!!!!" Burgundun then suddenly orders the kid to give him 45 push-ups, and the boy complies without hesitation as the rest of the class are pale white in fear.

"Remind me to never get on his bad side..." thought Sonia.

"WHAT ARE THE REST OF YOU SLACKERS WAITING FOR?! Get exercising!" The class then runs and picks up all of the available gear and begin to work out. Some do poorly, while others excel, and the rest slide by with some... averse mediocrity. The coach takes a deep breath as he enjoys watching the children working out. He then turns to Sonia, who is quietly yet vainly trying to hide her face behind her backpack. The coach walks to her in his calm state, welcoming her to gym class. He assures to Sonia that he's not a bad guy who yells at students all day, but more of a motivator, a captain, a friend. However, Sonia has a little vein of disbelief, particularly because the coach has the body of an army veteran and the personality of a bull fused together with a horse who's just had a spike of ecstasy in its feed. She doesn't say anything but instead responses a pleasant smile and a nod to his basic vocabulary, fearing of getting the same treatment as that boy did. The coach then looks at Sonia and comments, "You know. You don't have proper gym attire on. But since this is your first day, and you're obviously wearing sneakers unlike a few students of mine," he speaks as he points to a group of students vainly attempting to do step-ups, and the student in question is the same blonde that Sonia knocked into earlier.

"Oh god, I'm ruining the heels of my shoes from this stupid crap!" exclaimed the drama queen. The coach continues to chat with Sonia, "How would you like to try something easy for your first day? Like say Uh... pull-ups." Sonia started to get a little embarrassed. Doing pull-ups didn't seem like a skill she was well-versed in. A sweat drop slowly falls from Sonia's face as she drops her backpack then walks to the pull-up bar. The aforementioned bar is a black, rusty, and old piece of metal with rusty scratches and tiny drops of dried blood. Some say, this bar is so agonizing that its been properly given the unceremonious name of... "The Death Bar."

Sonia gulps as she takes a chance at the Death Bar. She then inhales deeply, hops up to the bar and slowly tries to pull up. Small veins throb out from the the girl's pulping head. All as she tries harder and harder to get at least one pull-up. Sonia struggled as sweat drops burst from her temples, right before her bones locked in place, stopping her as soon as her forehead just slightly passes the bar. Sonia was stuck, and her vision was getting blurry. She could hear the coach yelling, "GET UP! GET UP! Imma start callin' you Ginger if you don't get up!" Sonia gave it the best she could, until she inadvertently lets go of the bar and falls on her butt. The coach gave Sonia a discerning stare, commenting that's there's a lot of work to be done. Just as he walks away, the drama blonde then has a grin as she laughs at Sonia then texts the moment to some of her cronies. A brunette girl walks to Sonia and stretches her hand to her.

"Hey, you're kind of alright for takin' on the Bar like that," the brunette complimented, "Not many kids have taken on that thing for years, but you've got something crazy in you to do it." Sonia takes the girl's hand and stands up, thanking her silently. The brunette giggled some, "The name's Sarah, Sarah Winklemier. And you? You can talk right?"

"Yeah? I just don't talk very often. My name's Sonia," Sonia replied. She looks at Sarah with a sheepish smile.

"Talking with the newbie, I see," spoke a voice of jealousy. The blonde had returned... and seeing her face gave Sonia a sudden ulcer, not because of her looks but because her attitude was so... bitchy. The blonde then chastises Sarah, threatening to blackmail her with embarrassing texts found on her Facebook page. Sarah then quickly runs to the girl and her followers, kissing their feet before escorting them to another area of the gym to practice cheers. Sonia began to speak to herself, "Sheesh... who is that girl anyway?"

"That's Cindy," spoke a male voice, "she's the mayor's daughter." Sonia looked to see who said that. It turns out to be the same guy who was ordered to do a multitude of push-ups earlier.

"Oh...." Sonia spoke as she gets a little dazed by the guy's appearance. She then shakes her head and tries to speak, "Well. That's... To-... to-... tomato babble-" she then slaps herself back common sense, then properly speaks, "Well that's nonsense." Sonia rubs her cheek and blushes in embarrassment as the boy chuckles. The boy then replies, "My name's Kay by the way. Correct me if I'm wrong but... Your name is Sonia, correct?" Sonia slowly nods with blushes in her cheeks. Kay gleefully replies, "That's perfect! Because I'm your School Tour Guide." He smiles then heads towards the entrance to the hallway and says, "C'mon, follow me," before exiting the gym. Sonia then snaps out of her daze and follows him.

As Kay tours Sonia along the school, he invites her to meet some of his friends, show her the school's many offers including classrooms, the school laboratory, the cafeteria, the library, and a few of the outside patio and garden areas. Sonia begins to smile as she enjoys the tour, "Wowww... This school has got some nice areas around here." Kay happily replies, "And there's more than surprises that happen each year. Though a lot of these teachers pump out more work faster than I can pump eggs outta my ass."

"You'a chicken or something?" Sonia jokingly questions.

"BA-GAWK! BWOK BWOK BWOK. Bwooooohhhhhhhhhhhk," Kay squawks, making Sonia laugh, "Hey! Haha, knock it off, Chickabee." Kay squawks one more time then relaxes, letting both of their laughter calm down. Sonia then remembers something about Sarah and Cindy. She then proceeds to question him, "So what's up with this Cindy girl. Is she always like this?" Kay sighs, "Well... Since she's the daughter of the mayor of Orujinshinaka, she always acts as if she's some pop star celebrity. Always wearing the latest fashions, attracting everyone to be her fans or subordinates. It's like she's some hypnotist because her looks always bring everyone to her. Hell, even I was lost in her charm at once."

"What snapped you out of it?" Sonia asked.

"She's once got my sister kicked out of our town's middle school," answered Kay.

"That's terrible..." The orange-haired girl replies.

"Yeah... but at least our parents know that my sister wasn't the culprit for what happened, and she still lives in my house. She's in the eighth grade." He explains.

"At least your parents know the truth. My dad used always to believe the opposite especially when he tries to get on their good side. He doesn't do it often, but it sucks to see him be a kiss-up like that." Sonia commented.

"What about your mom?" Kay pondered. Sonia slowly lost her smile and went silent after he asked such a question. Kay then realizes what he said then quickly apologizes. She forgives him but politely asks her not to mention her mother anymore as she hugs her knees, escaping to the fantasies in her mind so she doesn't begin to cry. Kay then is about to say something, but the bell rings for the next period. Kay gently nudged her back to reality, and speaks, "Say, according to my watch, it's time for lunch. Maybe some food will calm you down."

"Heh... Keep talking like that, and I'll probably get fat," Sonia slightly chuckled. She then sits up and follows Kay to the cafeteria. Sonia's mind was a mixed bag of depression, shyness, happiness, and fear. Though, with how things currently are so far, she hopes something interesting, or amazing, will happen on this interesting first day.