The Legend Begins (Ch. 4)

The cafeteria, a place where students can unwind, relax, and eat all types of food that the chefs cook each day. But in some people's minds, the food isn't cooked but rather heated up from a vacuum pack container. To others, the food 's not really a cuisine of elegant delights, but more of an entrée that you get from a box of TV Dinner or a Kid Cuisine. It's not good; it's not terrible, it's just bland... And I mean the kind of bland as in a bland movie where you know it's bland, but you continue to watch it anyway.

Taking time to get used to her randomized events during school, Sonia, alongside Kay, stands in one of three lunch lines of the cafeteria, taking in the smell of meat, salads, and mashed potatoes. Sonia, being fond of mashed potatoes, heads down to the third line where it's sold. However, as she looks onward, she found herself right behind a tall, brunette/dirty blonde, yet rotund-ish girl, wearing a black cap, a black sweater, and jeans that look as if they have been washed a bit too much. In another direction, she finds that same blonde, Cindy, with her cronies and Sarah discussing the latest fashions out there. Sonia looks at Sarah in pity as she is stuck carrying many of the drama queen's books and school materials.

"Don't drop those books, Winklemier." the blonde teased as she and her cronies rudely attempt to trip her. About to say something, Sonia is then tapped on the shoulder by the girl in black that was standing in front of her.

"Hey, you're next in line, Orange hair," the girl in black commented as she walks away with a book and her tray of lunch. Sonia quickly turns around, noticing it's her turn as Kay, grabbing a salad playfully laughs at her. Sonia returned with an equally playful tease, then orders her lunch. Her tray of lunch consists of a large amount of fresh and steamy mashed potatoes, a few carrot slices, a stick of celery, some cookies, and a bottle of juice. Cindy secretly watched the new kid, noticing the kind attention that she is receiving. Being of obvious jealousy, Cindy huddles with her cronies to devise a naughty plan. Sonia sat at a table by the window as she waited for Kay, looking out at the sky and the clouds, enjoying the ambiance and beauty. That is until it is interrupted by a girl calling to her. The girl in question happened to be a cheery, and bubbly girl, with three bangs of her silky black hair that stand out larger than her curvy, plump-esque figure. Being a little embarrassed by the girl's figure, Sonia looks at her with a questioning face, wondering what she wants.

"Excuse me," the bubbly girl giggles, "I don't mean to bother you, but I believe that those girls over there are calling you." The girl then points to Cindy, her cronies, and Sarah sitting at a table, offering a seat. A little suspicious about the offer, Sonia quietly and meekly walks over to the table. "Just go over, say hello, then go," she says in her thoughts. When she reaches the table, she plainly waves to them, waiting to walk away. Sonia turns to see where that girl who told her about the seat went until Cindy taps her.

"Hey girl, we got off on the wrong foot earlier today," she speaks casually as she proceeds to shake Sonia's hand, "So what's your name anyway?" Sonia looks at her in a little disbelief, especially after taking a glance at Sarah.

"Sonia," she replies, "and I re-heally have to go now... Nice meeting you." As she walks away, she is then pulled back and urged to sit down by one of Cindy's cronies. Cindy suddenly asks, "Where ya' goin'? Sit and talk with us."

"Where you from? What your fashion sense? Who's your favorite actor?" Asked each of the cronies. Sonia, feeling a little overwhelmed, tries to answer each question possible, slowly opening herself to each of them. However, somewhere in the back of her mind, something is telling her, "It's bad news. Don't do it. For the love of GOD, don't DO IT! You're never gonna hear the end of it. Don't do it don't do it don't do it." However, Sonia doesn't listen as she continues to converse with them. Cindy, having a pretentious look on her face, pretends to care and listen, but is really just trying to out a lot of juicy details from the new girl.

As Sonia was beginning to get comfortable speaking to the girls, Kay calls out to Sonia, waving to her to sit with him. Sonia, with a sigh of relief, thanks them for the chat, picks up her lunch and is about to walk away, about to pass a sports jock walking in her vicinity. As she happily walks to Kay, she then suddenly begins to slip and slide on what feels like marbles on the floor. Sonia tries her hardest to hold up her lunch without losing her balance to fall. But that, alas... Was in vain, for Sonia trips and lands into the jock, spilling a multitude of mashed potatoes all over her face, milk slipping and dripping all over the ground, and food crunched all over the jock's clothes and Sonia's top, ruining their outfits.

"Whoa! Watch where you're going! You ruined my jersey!" Yelled the pissed off jock. Sonia stammers trying to apologize, but a sudden burst of laughter violently invade her eardrums. She then turns to see many students of the cafeteria beginning to point and laugh at her. The entire cafeteria laughed at her misfortune, all except Kay, Sarah, and a few other students who could only pity her at this time.

"Welcome to Orville J. Redmonn High, Potato-face!" Cindy yells in arrogant happiness as Sonia looked at her with a sense of betrayal, "Remember this. You never.. Ever... be as cool as The Cinderella Queens." Sonia lowered in shame as everyone heckled at her while the jock stormed off to try and clean his jacket. Kay then snaps out of his pity and runs to Sonia.

"Sonia!" Kay shouted as he ran to her aid, "Are you ok...?" Sonia forcefully nudged out of his grasp and speaks sternly to him, "Don't try to give me your crappy late pity!" Her face turned red and steamed that you could believe that her sudden anger is cooking the mashed potatoes that are still spilled onto her face as she stares down at Kay. Not wanting to say more without entering a blind rage, Sonia decides to storm out of the cafeteria as tears fall down her cheeks, looking for a place to hide. Sonia heads outside to the back of the school and hides, hugging her knees and crying silently. The poor girl who only wanted to have a fresh start in a new school school has now suffered the trauma of public embarrassment. A problem that would take a lifetime to recover from. Sonia rocked back and forth as she tries to tell herself, "It's going to be ok... It's all... Going to be... Ok..." The little ginger grew silent, only letting her tears try to wash away the pain.