The Legend Begins (Ch. 5)

Hours passed as Sonia trudged through a rather depressing day. She had no urge to warm up to anyone's attention, not even Kay's attention for that matter. What started as a decent first day, now ended in angst. Sonia only spent her remaining classes in silence, with occasional answering to a teacher's question when called on. Kay would try to talk to her at times, but she just continued to ignore his responses, avoiding making the error of saying something that would hurt him. As the final hours of school make its way, Sonia snuck into the girl's locker room, ready to vent. She drops her bag and begins to stomp around the room, venting about that crass little Cindy, disgusted at everyone's baseless pity, until finally questioning where her mother is and secretly whispering that she needs her.

"Hellooooo?" A female voice sings, "Is somebody there?" Sonia quick-jolts up and quiets down. Pressing herself against the wall, Sonia shimmies over to the edge of the lockers and peers over. The girl calling out like that seems to be near the vents. The voice calls again, "Um.. May I have some help please?" Sonia, quietly peers over more to see who's calling her, and it turns out to be the same curvy girl with the three large bangs from lunch earlier. A little peeved, Sonia bluntly walks to the girl and stared her bluntly, while the girl looked back at Sonia with a smile.

"Say, you're the new girl I met at lunch," the girl giggles, "Why I don't think we have been properly introduced."

"Yeah... we haven't," Sonia replies, too distraught to keep up the conversation. That is until she is suddenly thrusted into a hug, "Wha-what the...."

"You look distraught. You should get a hug," the girl contemplated as she smiles and hugs the Orange-haired girl. Sonia, unsure of what to feel, awkwardly hugs back, having a hard time holding back her tears. The black-haired girl looks at her with a loving smile and speaks, "My name's Mellisa, M-E-L-L-I-S-A, Mellisa."

"Mellisa? I thought that was spelled with only one "L"..." Queried Sonia.

"It is, but my parents wanted to make it with two L's for fun. I like my name actually," Mellisa replies with a smile. Her cheery and optimistic nature makes Sonia feel slightly uncomfortable for meeting a person so nice, yet somewhat attracting.. Sonia, slowly feeling better and able to talk a little more introduced herself while gently breaking out of Mellisa's embrace. She reminds the cheerful student why she was calling for help in the first place. Mellisa suddenly remembered her need as if an exclamation point popped up next to her and racked her brain.

"Oh!" Mellisa exclaims then points up to the ventilation shaft and explains, "My cheer bracelet is stuck in the ventilation shaft and I can't stretch my arm far enough to reach it. Do you think may be able to reach it?"

"That sounds like a task you get in a point-and-click adventure game..." Sonia remarks, "...alright let's see what I can do," Sonia stands onto one of the benches in the locker room then leans and grabs the top of the locker, slowly but in a struggle, climbing up and leans slightly up to the ventilation shaft.

"I can't reach..." Sonia strained.

"Oh! Ummm..." wondered Mellisa. Unsure of how to help, Mellisa kneels, grabs Sonia's legs and presses the top of her head on Sonia's butt.

"Hey!" Sonia shouts in a little bit of a shock as she and is suddenly lifted into the vent, even if it is both head and shoulders.

"Great idea. But I can't seem to move my aarrrrms?" Sonia remarks.

"Oops. Hehe, Sorry," Mellisa apologizes as she pulls Sonia back out, allowing her to move her arms and get into the vent properly.

"Thaaank you," Sonia replies as she is able to slowly, but surely grab the bracelet and pulls out of the vent and hand Mellisa her bracelet.

"Oh thank you, um... Say, I didn't get your name," Mellisa pondered.

"The name's Sonia," she replies with a small smile, "and thanks for making me feel a little better."

"You're welcome!" Mellisa giggles.

Sonia left the locker room with a smile growing on her face. She to head to her final class of the day, ready to end the day on a decent note... that is, until the bell rings and students clamored out of their classes like wildebeests causing a stampede similar to those found on National Geographic. In a quick reaction, Sonia dove into a safe corner, watching as the crowd speeds out of the door. Finally, Mellisa then skips by while the girl in black with the hoodie cap sees Sonia and says, "Bye Bye, new friend" with a glee, as Mellisa holds onto the girl with the black sweater and says, "C'mon Bestie, we'll be late for the movies." The girl in black, sighs and blushes lightly as she follows Mellisa, even after taking a glance at Sonia wonders why she's hiding. Sonia then looks at the clock and sees that the time is 2:45 PM and class ended at 2:40 during while she was in the locker room.

"WAS I IN THE LOCKER ROOM FOR THAT LONG?!" Sonia shouted, then quickly running out before a teacher could question why she was yelling, making a good 3-mile trek to her home. After what seemed like a rough exercise, and the fact that the bus she missed could have easily taken her to her neighborhood in a flash, Sonia finally reaches her house and with a sigh of relief. Sonia then unlocks the door and opens it find her dad standing in front of her, having both a stern and worried face, holding the house phone in his hand, and his foot tapping on the ground.

"I believe you have some explaining to do, Sonia," her father sternly spoke.

"Eh heh... Oh, dad... You are a card... Heh heh... Hehhh..." Sonia awkwardly laughed.

"Oh crap..."