Night of the Living Ginger (Ch. 3)

Meanwhile, Sonia had begun her walk over to the Haberdashery Mansion. Although she was excited to go to the Halloween party, she still had doubts and fear that something terrible was going to happen. Sonia's mind kept saying, "M-m-maybe we should go back home… it's just ONE party…. Naahh… naah… we can't do that to Mellisa. She even did that whole begging tidbit on us. How CAN we say no to that…? How does Julianna even put up with that?" Sonia held onto the powerful amulet, Mystica, which was tied to her neck, and proceeded on her way, albeit with a little begrudging attitude and little stumble in her step. After five minutes of walking, Sonia had finally reached the mansion, but her eyes widened from how terrifying the placed looked. It may not have residents living inside, but the structure, the placement, and even the lawn itself made it seem like it was Halloween here EVERY SINGLE DAY. Sonia gulped and slowly took her first step onto the mansion lawn, and then a CAT shrieked and scurried across and up into a nearby tree. Sonia immediately jumped in shock and her hair frizzed in compliment. The girl shook it off and then proceeded to walk once again, but slower. Much of the lawn was covered immensely in the overgrown grass that her feet had practically disappeared. Lucky for her, the steps were close by, and she found this out herself by tripping onto it and nearly hurting herself. Our hero stumbles back up and then stares at the looming door. The door had shrunken heads melted into its wooden paneling, and gargoyles from the Victorian lifestyle that stared her down with a deep, dark grimace…. Almost as it they were disgusted with her appearance. Sonia took a look at one of those grudgeful gargoyles and decided to make a face it, sticking her tongue out and messing around with it, until a SHRIEK is heard and a bat thrusts its way out of the gargoyle's mouth. Sonia SCREAMED all of a sudden, and then cannoned her face into the door pretty hard. Sonia didn't have time to tend to her banged forehead and just ran right inside and shut the door HARSHLY while pressing her back onto it, waiting for her chest to stop beating so rapidly from the scare. After a minute or so, Sonia regains herself and decides to check the place out. However, from down within the dark graveyard, the Skeleton Witch had heard all of the commotion from below and stated, "I do believe thou hast a visitor." The reaper, who had stopped in his tracks, stared deeply at the ground below him and stated, "The soul is HERE… So now to collect my payment." The skeleton witch groaned as she then snapped her fingers, causing a HUGE sack of Underworld-based Currency to appear in mid-air. Maligra then hands the Grim Reaper the sack and states, "HERE. Your payment. Courtesy of…" the witch shudders in disgust then finishes, "The-the-the-DARK LORD….." The reaper smiles as he receives his payment, but before he was about to tear up the ground, he is called upon by the skeleton witch once again.

"Oh and one more thing. I require a favor from thee," Maligra started.

"That may have to cost you extra" The reaper iterated.

"Oh it will. Yest ye will have dozens of souls REAPED for ye very own collection," The skeleton witch explained."

"Surely you jest," The reaper retorted in disbelief, but Maligra pressed onward, attempting to persuade the purgatory traveler more and more. She then came close to where the Reaper's ear should be and began to whisper her plan. The Grim Reaper smiled and chuckled from hearing this evil plan, and happily stated, "Why you devilish little minx~"

"Just like in the Pilgrimage, my dear," Maligra smirked. The skeleton witch then began to chant some evil magic, while the grim reaper tore a rift into space and time, spouting purple energy that sparked flashes of lightning and black magic. Maligra placed her hands in the rift of space and time while chanting her hellish commands, and drew a satanic circle into the grass. The circle shined and then began to cause the ground to erupt. As the ground erupted, a fiery green aura began to shine amongst the graves of the deceased. The ground rumbled and grumbled until BOOM! A sickly-green hand popped out of the ground! Other bodies began to erupt as well, skeletons were awaken from their slumber, flesh-ridden zombies also began to erupt, and other vile beings from the depths below began to rise, all to the beat of their own version of music from Voltaire. The Underworld was coming to the surface, and there was no stopping it now.

"This beat is malicious…." Maligra commented, shaking her tattered clothes and wiggling sack of bones, dancing along with the Reaper.

"Sickeningly evil..." The Reaper spoke in enjoyment as the underbellies of corpses and monsters erupt from the graves. The monsters and corpses dance and shake in all of their vile praise for reanimation and immediately stand before Maligra and The Grim Reaper as a way to finish their musical number. Maligra then cleared her throat and began to speak to the graveyard of Underworld beasts, but her "Ye Old English" was not very understood by the monsters, so the Grim Reaper simply paraphrased by stating, "Monsters! Demons! Souls of the Dead! Tonight is YOUR NIGHT! Go down to the people and give them a FRIGHT! Wreak havoc! Play around with them minds! And give these feeble living souls a nightmare they'll NEVER forget! Then! Bring them to the glowing orb of death and magic, and just simply toss them in. The more collected, the bigger the harvest!" The monsters stood there with no amusement for everything the Reaper just said. Realizing this, the Reaper even added, "You will ALL even get free Spider Shakes on the house," and the monsters and dead souls cheered very loudly and charged their way into town. However, the black soul that Maligra was looking for was stopped in a halt as the skeleton witch stated with a sinister tone, "Not you. You are needed specifically for…. Special purposes…" Maligra then gave the Grim Reaper an unfriendly thanks, then jumped into the vile portal and teleported back to Solaria's dark castle.

As the monsters roared passed the house and made their way into town, Sonia was partly deep inside the mansion, and even hears the roars from outdoors. However, due to the acoustics of the house, the sounds make her believe that the house was making the creepy noises itself. Sonia shivered and shuddered and gulped while tiptoeing across the floor. Every step Sonia took caused a loud CREEEEEAAAAAAKKKKKKKKK to sound. Sonia would run but hearing how creaky the house was, she thought that the floor would break by her next move.

CLANG! A metallic sound was heard. Sonia ran to the corner of the room where the sound was and peered her eyes over to it. There was a light in the room, and more of those clanging sounds were heard. From within her blouse, the goddess's amulet was glowing like crazy! A message is the peered straight into Sonia's mind. The angelic goddess Feliferi states her message: "Sonia. A TERRIBLE sight has come upon us. A cloaked, skeletal being has opened a portal unleashing a bed of monsters amongst your city, and it is RIGHT in your location. It is a dangerous being that is known for collecting souls for their collection, so be VERY careful… or else…" the message ends and the amulet stops glowing. Sonia slumps to the ground and groans, but perks up in shock when she looks out the window and sees the translucent souls and a hue of green emitting from outside. Before Sonia's skin could drop to be pale white, Sonia shook herself awake and made a dash for the exit. However, Sonia then gets knocked over by a BIG, black object. Sonia falls onto her behind and then looks up at the black object, and it then turns around.

"Sonia?" The object spoke. Sonia's eyes widened and her mouth began to cringe into itself, immediately recognizing the voice who that spoke. Sonia shakenly replied, "Ju-Julianna?" Julianna had fully turned around and looked down at Sonia, skeptically questioning why she was in the mansion and why she was running. Sonia attempted to answer, or at least lie, but was stopped by every stump and stutter that she made. Luckily, another familiar voice came in and asked, "Bestie? Is everything ok?" It turned out to be Mellisa, who appeared from behind her big best friend. She looks at Sonia and immediately greets her in her cheery attitude and even picked up Sonia via a squeezing hug. Sonia clenched her body during the squeeze until Mellisa put her down and began to speak.

"You're pretty early, Sonia," Mellisa explained with a smile, "We've actually been here for a while setting up the party. But since you're here, would you like to help us?" Sonia couldn't reply with any words except a complete "uuuhhhhhh..." but Mellisa took it as a yes and immediately replied, "Splendid!" She then directs everyone to follow her to the kitchen then pressed onward. Sonia sat in wonder of what just happened and Julianna just grabbed the ginger by the back of her blouse and dragged her to the kitchen. The night pressed on and the monsters were having a night on the town, and wouldn't you know it, they immediately were causing trouble to all of the denizens of Orujinshinaka. Kids, who had begun their trick-or-treating, were SPOOKED! Adults were shivered! And animals were being eaten whole by wolf-like creatures. Even a poor pet dog was swallowed whole by a pipe-shaped demon with only its collar being the only thing that was regurgitated. Skeletons were hijacking people's vehicles while Zombies were grouping around a married couple from within their home, but instead of devouring on their flesh and brains, they instead began to mind-control them with their hypnotic eyes, and emitted a sound that emulated the radio-waves of Saturn itself… Because of this, the married couple's pupils overtook their eyes and started to create a groaning moan. The couple then shiver and walk past the zombies and proceeded to make their way to the graveyard beyond the mansion. However, they weren't the only ones to be following this command, because other couples, families, adults, and even kids and teens were making their way to the graveyard because of the zombie's hypnotic command, all while the monsters move in and create havoc.