Night of the Living Ginger (Ch. 4)

As the girls proceeded to setup the party decorations, a shadowy being snuck by. The shadow being etched up against the wall and creeped its way, all while grumbling lowly noises, into the mansion by climbing through the window. Sonia, who was in the ballroom, perks up and hears the sound while she was placing a few decorative pumpkins around the corners. Sonia quickly looks by and proceeds to investigate. She then puts down one of the pumpkins she held and immediately unsheathed her magic sword from her amulet. Sonia then snuck her way through the hallway where Mellisa and Julianna were setting things up, and immediately pressed through some of the more abandoned hallways. The place was so decrepit that the dust and mold felt more like a liquid slime rather than what it was supposed to be. Sonia quietly cut her way through the dust, but the place continued to get darker and darker. Unbeknownst to her, something was sneaking up from behind. The being that snuck behind her began to mess around with the relics nearby in ways to frighten her. An audio of what seemed like a long-sounding table scratching against the wooden floors did not make anything better.

"My, oh my, this table is quite a creaky one," Mellisa commented as she and Julianna was pushing a table against the wall. Sonia continues to hold her sword tightly against her person until she suddenly felt a set of taps on her shoulder. She slowly turns around and sees a pair of shady red eyes all combined with a convincingly scary roar. Sonia was immediately going to swing her sword and slay the beast but the beast quickly slapped the sword out of her hands, and the sword swung furiously across the room, cutting Julianna's beanie in half and parting through one of the bangs of Mellisa's hair before crashing through the window and into the graveyard below. Sonia is then violently pushed out of the dark hallway and into the main room where the besties were, falling face-first into the ground floor. Sonia groaned and looked up only to be faced with Julianna's pissed-off face. Sonia grew pale white and immediately squirmed her way back into the kitchen where she then bumps her behind into Mellisa's legs. Mellisa stumbled but luckily didn't drop the glass ghost vases that she was holding. Mellisa calls to Sonia and helps her up, asking her what the matter was. However, the eerie sound made its way into the halls once again, this time Mellisa heard it as well.

"What was THAT?" Mellisa asked in a shout, "Bestie, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Julianna asks, prompting the sound to erupt again, this time the gloomy girl heard it as well, surprising her as she was fixing one of the floorboards. Mellisa comes the conclusion that, "There's something spooky in the house!" The lighthearted girl then proclaims, "I think we have a mystery on our hands!"

"NOOOOO. NOOOOOO! We are NOT investigating the mansion for a creepy monster," Julianna stated harshly, "We're gonna do the right thing, and GET THE FRICK OUTTA HERE!!!"

"But Beesttiie…." Mellisa whined as Julianna dropped everything and headed for the exit.

"NO!" Julianna commanded as she was right in front of the front door.

"Pleeeeeeaaaaassseeeee…." Mellisa begged, all with a convincing whimper as well. Julianna stared at her bestie's whimpers and replied lowly, "Noooo. Don't give me THAT look…" but Mellisa continued to give her that look. She even was about to cry, making Julianna give in and say, "Ughhh… fiiiinneee…. If we investigate the mystery, will you PLEASE not cry…?" Mellisa nods cutely while her eyes were still big. Julianna groaned and walked back to her and Sonia, and Mellisa cheerfully gave her bestie a loving hug to which Julianna attempted to deny. Sonia attempted to slowly back away only to be stopped by Mellisa. Mellisa states, "Come on Sonia~ we're aaalll in this together," as she grabs Sonia's hand. Mellisa then heads over to her backpack and pulls out a magnifying glass and a flashlight and begins to look for clues.

"Sonia, you and bestie will check the upstairs floor, while I go check down in the spooky, dark hallway," Mellisa states as she turns on her flashlight while heading into the hallway. Sonia tries to convince Mellisa to change her mind but to no avail. Julianna stood behind Sonia and stated in an uninterested manner, "C'mon, Scooby-Doo. We got some clues to find, I guess…" Julianna headed upstairs first and Sonia scurried behind. Sonia looked up and saw that her hat, and part of her hair, was chopped in half due to her sword slinging over her head earlier. Sonia didn't have time for mystery-solving. Sonia was worried about the monster attack from outside! Sonia needs to get out of there, even if it means having to ditch the besties. Sonia clears her throat and states, "H-Heeyyyy, I'm gonna check the rooms over to the right, while you take to those over to the left, eh?"

"Whatever. Just don't run away," Julianna replies without much of a care. Sonia jogged over to the doors on the right, and began to open one of the doors and headed inside, convincing Julianna that she was actually going to search. Julianna slowly opens up a closet door. The closet door was filled with a bunch of old junk, which then lost its own balance and toppled over Julianna. Sonia closed the door behind her, and found a small lantern on a table. Sonia examines the lantern and gently touches it, which then causes the candle inside to suddenly ignite. No tricks. No ruses. The lantern just ignited with no human force required. Sonia walked around the lantern and decides to investigate the room she was in. The entire place looks to be a children's bedroom. The bedroom itself seemed to have withheld two siblings for there were two beds in the corner of the room, two dressers, a big closet, a large bookshelf, two sets of backpacks, and twelve toys, six of which belongs to either child. Sonia walked over to the dressers and opened them up.

"Hmm… nothing but OLD undergarments in here…." Sonia concludes as she searches one of the drawers. She then opens the other drawer and finds a rusty old knife and a bottle of chloroform. Sonia whispers, "Whoah…." In surprise and she picks up the knife. The knife was old, rusty, and even had some dried bloodstains on it. It appears that whoever was here, had be unfortunately murdered. However, as Sonia was investigating, a toy horse was seemingly floating behind her. Sonia turned around only to see the toy horse on the ground all of a sudden. Sonia pondered for a second but brushed it off and just kept searching the room, but held the knife in her back pocket. Sonia stumbles over some misplaced toys and headed to the closet. The closet doors, however, were rusted shut, and would require some brute strength to open it. Instead of calling Julianna, though, she attempts to open it herself with a few of the toys found in the room, only for them to either bend or break from her efforts. The lantern, however, reacted to the amount of toys being broken and the lit flame suddenly went out. The children's room was pitch black now, and Sonia couldn't find the exit. Sonia called out a hello, but no answer was heard. A light did come on though, but it wasn't as comforting as expected. The light was a dim blue light that stood behind Sonia, and the ginger slowly turned around. The ginger turned and saw a little blue boy, with clothes from the Victorian Era standing before her. Sonia gingerly kneeled down and said, "Hello, little boy. H-how did you get here?" The little boy didn't respond at all and just stared at Sonia. Sonia felt a shiver in her body, but luckily, the ghost's light revealed where the door was. Sonia just then politely stated that she was going to leave and immediately headed for the door, but was stopped in her tracks when the ghost boy says, "You broke my brother's toys…" Sonia's arm shivered and she asks what the boy said, and the ghost repeated, "You BROKE my brother's toys…. SOUL STEALER!"

"Soul Stealer…?" Sonia repeated, getting offended. She turns to the ghost and remarks, "Listen, kid. Just because I have ginger hair, DOESN'T mean I'm-…a…..soul..steal…ler…." Sonia slowed down from the last part of her sentence as she saw that another ghost boy appeared in front of Sonia and the ghost boy. This ghost was taller and seemingly older that the little ghost. His transparent body loomed over Sonia's living body, causing Sonia to back her body against the door and unfortunately freeze up.

During the time while Sonia was searching in the other room, Mellisa had been investigating the dark hallway that Sonia once explored. The cheery half of the best friend duo examined every nook and cranny of the hallway, shining her flashlight on the floor below and onto the various antiques as well. All while she was amused by their designs and the way they felt.

"Ooooh~" Mellisa said with awe, "Granny Jojo would looove this interior design." Mellisa then pulls out her cell phone, turns the flash on, and takes a picture of the gothic design. However, after the camera flash, a pair of red eyes grew dizzy due to the flash, catching Mellisa off guard after she took her eyes off of her phone. The looming pair of eyes shook out of its dizzy state and began to be angry at Mellisa and proceeded to roar. Mellisa yelped and proceeded to slip and dash away in a cartoony manner. However, Mellisa was so scared that she clumsily dropped her flashlight and proceeded running into the dark. The cheery girl ran as fast as she could so that the red eyes that followed her grew smaller and smaller. Thankfully she ran away, but she was literally running blind, and ended up tripping and crashing over a set of object. POW! BOING! TUMBLE! RUMBLE! SHUFFLE-SHAKE! CRASH!!! BLOOP! GLOOP! GUASH! SQUASH!

"Owie," Mellisa exhaled after all of that running and crashing. Mellisa was laying down on a pile of objects she crashed into, but she also felt something sticky all over her body.

"Blegh!" Mellisa stated in disgust as she tries to get the sticky substance off, "Too sticky…" Mellisa pulls out her phone again and turns on the flashlight program which then shows that Mellisa ended up into a smoking room. However, instead of finding cigars or hookahs, there were boxes upon boxes of stored junk. Lots of stored junk. It seems as if whoever lived here had planned to move away or go on a short travel. However, much of the stuff here has been here for AGES. The question is… how did these 18th and 19th century objects survive for such a long time? Mellisa sits up, accidentally bumping into a shelf which dropped and broke a vase filled with ashes. Mellisa stumbles her way out of the boxes of junk and began to search for clues…. Or at least a bathroom. Mellisa searches around until she finds an open window and sees a clump of black strings.

"A clue!" Mellisa shouts happily as she hops over to the clump. At closer examination, Mellisa saw that the clump was a mix of black and yellow strings. The investigator felt the clump which turned out to be a mix of cat and dog fur.

"Cat fur? And dog fur too?" Mellisa asked herself, "What would they be doing here?" A sound then comes out from the dead fireplace. Small pebbles and rubble sprinkled across the fireplace's floor, and Mellisa began to check it out. Mellisa looked down at the fireplace and saw that the rubble on the floor was fresh.

"Somebody must be climbing up the chimney," Mellisa concluded, and she began peer her torso inside. While Mellisa was peeking half her body in, a ghastly old man dressed like Dracula stood where his ashes fell. The ghastly man looked at all of the knocked over boxes and his broken resting place and grew angry. The old ghost then suddenly spots Mellisa peering into the chimney, but things get awkward when he sees that her backside is just waving out there while she was attempting to get inside the chimney. The ghastly elder grew a creepy smile on his face and then slowly floated over to Mellisa to…. Examine her…. The ghostly old man continued to creep on Mellisa and then raised his hand high into the air, however, the moment was immediately stopped when Mellisa got out and turned around just to see the ghost and his hand raised high into the air. Both she and the ghost stand there for a few minutes, all with eyes a-widened and silence a-creepin' on by. Both of them let out a "Uuuhhhh..." and just decide to back away from each other slowly while repeating their utters. The ghost floated back to its pile of ashes, while Mellisa walks too far backward that she ends up into the stumbling down a long flight of stairs.