A Town Fair With Ginger Hair (Ch. 3)

Saturday. Lovely, serene Saturday. One could sleep in this lovely Saturday. In fact, Sonia definitely seems to be taking in the opportunity to do so, as she and her pets lay in peaceful slumber. The sun peeks its shimmering light gently through the curtain, illuminating Sonia's face. The young ginger girl made soft a hum and slowly opened her eyes… to find Mellisa smiling and staring at her deeply.

"Good morning~," Mellisa sang, prompting Sonia to scream, which caused her dog to howl and her cat to screech! Sonia grabbed much of her sheets and stumbled around before she ultimately fell off of the side of her bed. Mellisa leaned over the edge and asked if she's okay, to which Sonia yelled, "Mellisa?! What are you doing in my house?!" Mellisa giggled and replied, "Don't you remember, silly? You went to the bathroom when you were at my house and then came back with scratched up clothes. When you fell asleep on our couch, Granny Jojo and I took you home, and she and your father said that I could sleepover with you. Your father said that you'd be okay, but I just wanted to make sure. You looked like you took a big fall or something!"

Mellisa kept going on and on, but Sonia was trying to process the fact that this goof was sitting on her bed just staring at her in her sleep. She also hoped that neither her nor her father suspected anything. Sonia glanced at her pets who were just as confused as she was. They shrugged when she gave them a questioning look. Sonia turned her head to Mellisa and asked her how long she has been sleeping. Mellisa cheerfully explained that she's been asleep for a few hours now and that it's 11:30 AM. The cheery girl had already done her morning exercises and had breakfast, but she left a tray of heated Eggs Benedict and orange juice sitting on the dresser next to Sonia's bed. Mellisa noted how her father makes delicious Eggs Benedict and even showed Sonia's dad some special tricks that her grandmother uses to make her food taste extra yummy. Sonia slouched over to cover her body with her fallen bed sheets and headed to the bathroom. Once she closed the door behind her, she began to brush her teeth and freshen up. Sonia looked into the mirror, pinched her nasal bone and quietly groaned, "How does Julianna put up with her like this… Okay… It's only 'till the festival's over, Sonia… Only 'till it's over…" Sonia brushed, flossed and used some mouthwash then prayed to herself, "Hopefully nothing supernatural happens today…"


Unfortunately… in a dark castle hidden within the dimensions of space, a brew of deceptive, deceitful plans arise. Within the recessions of this antiquated, lost-in-time mansion, a witch made of nothing but bones toils with her intoxicated potions. The witch drifted around, waiting… thinking… watching…

"A curse upon ye' skin and flesh, ye ginger girl who maketh a mess… two creatures slain and a beau that is ruined…" the witch muttered as she stared into a mirror which displayed Sonia currently walking through town with Mellisa, "...The champion doth not sleep 40 winks… for she knows that evil will always foretell when this girl thinks~."

"Oi! Enough with the rhymes, won't'cha, mate?!" A voice called from behind, "Anymore puns in there and I think my skull will start growing gray hair! You should be focused more on making fiends! Not juvenile stories..." Annoyed, the skeleton witch floated over to the talking head and replied, "Such a fool. Thou wouldn't have known the calming joys of rhymes if thou hadns't all the hair of a filthy canine!" The skeleton witch then smacks the disembodied skull away, knocking into the wall and dropping a shelf of books all over its poor head. Once that was over, the skeleton witch groans, feeling that the little head was right… It had been nearing a year since she had come up with a proper monstrosity, let alone anyone that would promptly put Sonia in a place where eternal torment is king. Her master, the owner of this dark castle, sat in his throne room, locked from the rest of his subjects. What lies behind those locked doors is a mystery to not only the skeleton witch, but also his many underlings and slaves. Those that have interrupted his incantation were sorely punished in ways that living man can't even imagine.

The skeleton witch sunk into a dark depression. If she does not come up with a vicious monster soon, her corrupt master will surely put her soul to rest, and not in a good way either. The witch then pulled up some confidence and began to conjure up some ingredients into her cauldron. The literal bag of bones worked for hours, testing out different spells, ingredients, all to try and create the perfect beast. Instead of one perfect beast, she ends up creating tens of hundreds of misfits! With that, she gets angry… the witch becomes furious as she starts flying high, using her powers to obliterate all of her misfit creations, leaving her dark room into a bloody, gooey mess.

"Thy master shalt have destroyed me already… For I have failed to bring thee a proper beast…" the skeleton witch lowered. She looks down and is about to close her eyes until…

"Huh…?" the witch queried, "What be-ith this?" below her within the bloody, gooey mess was a small, reddish, snake-like organism floating along inside the demon gore. Just then, a spark of inspiration hits the skeleton witch. She began to smile a fiendish smile, then she picked up the little snake creature and took note of it.

"You, my-eth little incubus…" the bag of bones started with an evil laugh, "Thou art going to commence a colossal surprise to thine worst enemy yet." The skeleton witch turned back to her cauldron of furious ingredients then immediately got to work.