A Town Fair With Ginger Hair (Ch. 4)

Back on planet Earth, Mellisa and Sonia strolled through the neighborhood, heading towards the bus stop to take the two girls to the mall. During the walk, Mellisa began to think of what type of act that she and Sonia can pull off at the talent show. Mellisa especially asked the ginger girl if she had any special talents to which Sonia tried and dodged any questions about her by asking different, more obscure questions. Mellisa would answer a question here and there, but would also go off tangent with something rather irrelevant. Mellisa abruptly bumped into a giant man with hairy arms and falls on her bottom. The hairy-armed man slowly turned his head around to stare deep down at Mellisa.

"Oh! Sorry, sir!" Mellisa apologized as Sonia tried to help her up. However, Sonia shivered due to how slightly menacing the hairy guy's size was compared to the two little girls. The hairy guy turns back around and stands there. Unfortunately for Sonia, he was waiting for the bus just like the girls were. Sonia's arms shiver some as she whispers to Mellisa, "W-why don't we find a different bus stop, Mellisa…? This guy looks kinda… scary..."

"Oh hush now, Sonny, I'm sure he's just a big softie," Mellisa assured, even going so far as to patting his big bushy arms, "Besides! The bus is here!" Mellisa joyfully points to show the bus coming right along to the stop. The local Orujinshinaka bus slows to a stop and opens up for its passengers to come aboard. Mellisa wrapped one arm around Sonia's and escorted themselves into the bus. Reluctant, Sonia tried to slide her way out of Mellisa's company by faking that she doesn't have any bus fare. Luck wasn't on the poor ginger's side as Mellisa happily paid for Sonia's fare as well. Sonia's eyebrows lower as thanked Mellisa in annoyance before being dragged into a seat close to the window with Mellisa sitting right next to her. The bus drives and the two are off to town.

However… deep in the outskirts of town, and far into the forest beyond, a lone bunny rabbit hops along, enjoying the contents that mother nature had provided for it. A green, swirling vortex then penetrates the fabric of reality, plowing a meteoric creature deep into the ground! Shocked, the bunny rabbit sprang back into a nearby tree. Once the smoke cleared some, the little white bunny decided to investigate. It hopped closer and closer to the bushes the meteor fell behind. Raising its ears, it waited… waited… and waited… for a sound. The rabbit peeked through the bushes to investigate even further, only to hear a sudden roar and be suddenly forced inside! The bushes shook violently as the tiny defenseless creature struggled to get out of there! The shaking then comes to a stop, leaving nothing but quiet to fill the void. What foul creature lurks behind that bush? What does it want? And will it make the next few days for Sonia a living nightmare? Only time will tell…

Back on the bus, the cheery, goofy girl then looked at the befuddled ginger and asked, "Are you ready for a fun day at the mall, Besti- I mean, Sonny?" Sonia doesn't answer and instead just stared at the window with a bored/annoyed expression on her face. Mellisa asked again, but got closer, gently resting her chin on Sonia's shoulder. Sonia tries to ignore her actions, but Mellisa goes as far as pressing her cheek on Sonia's as she asks with a sing-song voice.

"Mellisa… you really don't wanna get close to me…" Sonia finally answered.

"Why not?" Mellisa curiously asks, "Are you sick?"

"Let's just say… I'm… well think of me as… um…." Sonia stopped, trying to think of a good excuse while drops of sweat slowly fall from the side of her head, "...danger-prone. I'm a magnet for danger and you wouldn't wanna be around me because… you would die! And Mellisa doesn't wanna die, right? Heh…" Sonia used her strength to slowly slide Mellisa back onto her side of the chair before awkwardly inching herself into the corner as far as she could. Mellisa pondered on Sonia's actions before erupting a silly little laugh. Sonia suddenly turned to her and asked, "What, you wanna die or something?" Mellisa laughed even more, even though Sonia was being serious. Out of nowhere, Sonia is pulled into a tight hug from Mellisa as the cheery girl laughed at everything Sonia had told her. Confused, Sonia tried to squirm out of the hug, but to no avail. Realizing she can't force out of the hug, she sighed and let herself be squeezed by Mellisa.

"This is gonna be a long day…" Sonia muttered with a sigh.