WebNovelYes, Boss13.85%


I sit on Daniels couch at his house trying to plan it all out. "I think it might be too late... Look." Daniel Says as he shows me an article about a scandal. "Seriously?! "Best scandal of all music industries, Daniel Robinson cheating on Barbra Robinson with employee "?!" I say. "They don't even know the whole story!" I add. "Hey, hey... You matter to me. I promise you. We will fix this." Daniel Says. Daniel comes over to the couch and sits next to me.

"And someday, maybe we don't have to hide this anymore. We can raise this child together." Daniel Says. He comes closer and says "But for now... Let's focus on us?" "Absolutely." I say as I lay myself down. He comes closer and we kiss and kick it up a notch.

It's the next morning and me and Daniel are laying on the couch, his arms wrapped around mine. I wake up to a call from Aphrodite. A FACE TIME CALL. I hurry and get ready, not looking like I slept with my boss again. "Hey guys!" I say after answering. "Ok, your not so slick Brielle, your lipsticks smudged." Katy says. "Whatever..." I say. "Where have you been?!" Aphrodite says. "Oh, my, god. Is that Daniel in the background?!" Katie says. "SHHHH!" I say.

"Again, Brie?!" Aphrodite says. "YES AGAIN! Have you not seen the articles?" I say. "Yes, another reason why we called, are you ok?" Aphrodite says. "Yea... But it DOES NOT feel good cause I have to go to work today." I say. "Speaking of aren't you late?" Katy says. "Oh crap, I am. Bye girls!" I say as I hang up. I walk over to Daniel. "Hey, time to wake up" I say as he opens his eyes. He touches my face and kisses me. "Uhm, I'll drive you." Daniel Says.

We are now at work and a lot of people are staring. We go to the elevator and I'm silent. "Hey, don't mind the looks ok? They don't matter." He says. We walk out of the elevator and I see my desk all vandalized... it has horrible things written on it like: slut, daddy's girl, Boss fucker. I walk to Daniels office and say "I can't do this anymore I'm sorry." "What? Wait, wait, why?" He says. "My desk is all vandalized and all the things going on I don't know if I can do this anymore." I say. "Hey, hey. Calm down, we'll talk about this later but for now we will find out the dumb people who wrote it."

"It's fine... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have came here..." I say. "Well I'm glad you did." He says.