It's the next day and I force myself to go to work. I come to my cubicle and clean it up, and everyone just stares. I hear murmurs and whispers saying things like: "No wonder she got the job" or "what a price of crap she is".
I do my daily check in inside Daniels office. "Good news, I got nominated for the vinstao awards for best boss" He says. "Well I'm very proud of you. "Last night me and Barbra got divorced. Officially." He says. "What will we do though? The scandal is still up." I ask. "I will discuss it all later with the news and stuff." Daniel Says. "And I see this little one will be here by next week?" He adds. "Tomorrow, actually." I say. "So I will be heading to the docs office by, now! Cya later Daniel." I say.
I start to panic. My water broke. I'm in full pain but then I hear Daniel coming. I see him bust in, taking my hand he says "Hey, I'm here now. Just keep on pushing." And after Hours of pain, She came out. Looking at her, so precious, I just lay there. "You did it." Daniel Says, looking at me with a smile, crying just a bit. As I cry as well "yeah, we did it" I say while smiling and crying. After they clean up the baby, I look at her and smile.
I hand her to Daniel and he says: "She has your eyes. Your beauty." I say. I chuckle and say "don't thank me, YOU made it". We both smile and look at the baby.
The next day we dropped the baby off with Katy and Aphrodite so we can have some alone time. In bed together, we have a little conversation about the scandal. "The awards are tonight, and you might wanna look in my closet later for a tiny present from me." He says. "I sure will" I say and we just hold each other.
It's now a bit later, Daniels taking a shower and I take a look in his closet and I see a long, mermaid cocktail, pink dress with many diamonds and sequins.