WebNovelYes, Boss16.92%

A Great Time

We finally make it. We walk down and sit in our reserved seats. The awards I am currently at, are basically business awards. After waiting for hours they finally get to the best boss nominees. "And the best boss is... Daniel Robinson!" The person says. Daniel walks up and gives his speech.

"Wow. This is truly amazing that I won, and since I'm here, I will be addressing the rumors of the scandal. I admit, some are true but not all of it. Brielle helped me in many ways that Christina didn't. She was always kind, funny, smart, generous. And for her, I wouldn't be up here if it weren't for her. So I would like to thank my family, friends, and what I am proud to call my girlfriend. Thank you all." He says as he walks back down, sitting next to me.

"You've really done it yourself Daniel." I say. "Yes I have." He says as he looks at me with a smile. I lay my head on his and we watch the rest of the awards.

It's the next morning and I am now home. "Brie, we need to come up with a name." Katy says. "Right... Well me and Daniel we're thinking of Arielle." I say. "Great! It's now officially Arielle then." Aphrodite says. I chuckle and laugh. "Speaking of I have to go to work. Good luck guys!" I say as I leave and head to work. As soon as I come in it feels all normal again. And so, me and Daniel are perfectly fine together. But this, this is only the beginning of a new story.