WebNovelYes, Boss18.46%

Moving in

It's a few month later after all the gossip and drama from the scandal. After all of that I decided to move in with Daniel. We are still moving boxes from his house to mine. As I carry a box I suddenly happen to trip. I check my knee and it's bleeding, so I put the box down and look at it for a second. Daniel comes and says "Whoa, are you ok? Be careful there" he says. "Yeah I'm fine... It's just my knee..." I say. "I think the first aid box is on its way. I'll go check on Arielle for a second ok? Hang in there." He says. "I'm not dying babe." I say. "I know but I care!" He says as he walks in the house.

The last of the boxes finally get here so the Daniel rushes over and gets the first aid box. He opens it up and gets a wipe and band aid. He cleans up the scar with the wipes and then gently puts the bandaid on me. After that he looks at me with that cute smile. And so, we both come closer and kiss. "Ah, I forgot how it feels to just be normal again, having a boyfriend and not having to sneak around, not having to cause or start gossip and drama." I say.

I look at my phone and see an article captioned: "Daniel Robinson Letting New Girlfriend, Brielle Lodge, move in!" . I giggle and show it to Daniel. "Haha, they're of course always watching, But i mean, who would want to take their eyes off you?" Daniel says. I laugh and start moving in the rest of the boxes. I walk in to his huge place saying: "why do I keep forgetting this is a mansion?". "Because you'll have to get used to all this luxury." He says. "Does that include you?" I say smiling. "Only if you want me to." He says.

"Let's focus on the boxes first and then we'll get to the fun stuff " He says. I giggle and then settle the boxes. "Oh, can you give me that box over there?" Daniel asks. "Yes, Boss" I reply as I get the box and hand it to him.

After the whole day unpacking and moving boxes it's now all settled. Arielle is now asleep and start I cooking dinner. Daniel comes Behind me and puts his arms around my waste. "What's on the menu?" He says. "Tonight, is spaghetti!" I say. "This used to be my mother's favorite..." I add. "Oh, I'm sorry... I never knew." He says. "No it's fine. You and Arielle are the only family I need and want right now." I say. "I need to get something from my old apartment so can you continue this?" I ask. "Sure" He says.

I am now at my old apartment with Aphrodite and Katy. "Hey guys! I forgot my jewelry box! So sorry for the trouble!" I say. "Awh I'm going to miss you! Don't forget me!" Katy says. "I won't girls! Cya at the festival!!" I say as I exit.