I go back to my apartment real quick, in my tight dress, maybe forgetting my underwear... "Brielle, why do you have no underwear?" Kath says. "Katy?! I thought you were in New York?" I say. "Well I'm back. Now answer me, who is it." She says. Katy treats me like she's my mother. "It's called I kinda slept with my boss. So don't come in my room next week or your dead." I say. "Ok ok, yeesh." She says.
Aphrodite then busts in and says "BRIELLE, time to pee on a stick!!" She says.
Oh no she didn't- She actually did... "I don't wanna know." I say. "Brie, you've waited long enough. GET TO IT AND DO IT." Katy says. I take the test from her and do it inside the bathroom. I then set it down and we patiently wait for the results. "Wait, who did you hear from?" I ask Katy. "Aphrodite told me everything." She replies. "Well I won't be here for the rest of the week. I'm staying at Daniels." I say. "What about his wife?" Aphrodite asks. "Well she's currently at Paris for a fashion line or something..." I say. "So we have the place to ourselves." I add.
The timer goes off. "That means it's ready!" Katy says. I walk over and check the stick. "Shit." I say. Katy and Aphrodite come toward me and see for theirselves. "Oh my, pregnant?!" Aphrodite says. "We don't know this for sure...
-After the doctor checking in-
I walk into work and I get called into Daniels office. I honestly don't know what to tell him. "Brielle, You ok? You were quiet last night..." He says. "I'm pregnant ..." I say out of the blue. "W-What?" He says. "I'm so sorry..." I say. "Hey, it's not your fault." He says. "In fact this was no ones fault, it was a mistake." He says. "Regardless, I'm not ready for this!" I say. "Your not ready, but will you keep it?" He asks. "I guess not... I didn't expect nor want this..." I say. "Well I support you all the way." He says.