It's a few months later and I haven't called, text, or seen Daniel since. I get called to his office so I come and walk over. "Brielle you haven't called of texted me in months, what's going on?" He asks. "I've been busy..." I say. "Look, we will get through this. After the baby comes then everything will be back to normal." He says.
It's now after work and I go to the apartment and mope around. "Brielle, you can't just mope around all day." Aphrodite says. "Give her a break from kissing too much. Maybe her voice hurts from moaning." Katy says. I throw a pillow at her. "Screw it, get in the car we are going out." Aphrodite says.
We get to our destination and- "Why are we at my work?!" I ask. "We are meeting this boss of yours." Aphrodite says. "Ugh, Fine." I say as we all get out of the car and too the fifth floor. We walk to my cubicle as I get some stuff. Daniel passes by and then comes back.
"Brielle? What are you doing here?" He asks. "My friends wanted to meet you. And yes, they know..." I say as I put my head down. He takes a chair, sits next to me and says "Are you ok? You don't seem like yourself." He says. "I don't even KNOW myself anymore. After all this crazy shit going on I don't even know." I say. "Well I'm only a call away." He says. "Do you like the music industry?" Katy asks. "Yea, sometimes I play guitar and sing a bit at home but not much." He says. "We better get going. Bye Daniel." I say as we leave.
We get in the car and Katy and Aphrodite are obsessing over Daniel and I. "Yep, I approve." Katy says. "Now, I need to stop by his house." I say. "Isn't his wife home?" Aphrodite asks. "Apparently she went back to France for about a month or two so I'll be staying with him again." I say. "Ugh, again?" Katy says. "Yes again! We are together and that's what couples do!" I say. "HONAYYY, your relationship is NOT a relationship. It's literally an affair? Ring a bell?" Aphrodite says. "My god girls, can I just love how I want?" I ask. "Not if it's wrong." Katy says. We get to Daniels house and I get down. "Wanna come with?" I ask. "Sure!" They both day getting out.
We are now inside and I go and clean up a bit. "How long do you plan on doing this?" Aphrodite asks. "No idea." I say. "Oh my god. It seems like they hit it off last night." Katy says looking at the scattered clothes everywhere. "Yeah..." I say. "Not only that-" Aphrodite says pointing at an opened wine bottle and a wine glass half full. "Maybe she roofied him." Katy says. "Don't be ridiculous guys." I say. I then put away all the clothes and do a bit of housecleaning. "Why cleaning?" Katy asks. "Cause tonight is Netflix and chill." I say "Good luck." Katy says.