Jessie and Carly suddenly take me to the back. "What are you girls doing?" I ask. "Time to pee on a stick." Jessie Says. "I don't wanna know!" I say. "You waited long enough. GET TO IT AND DO IT." Carly Says. "Nope." I say. "Come on, it's better to know. We'll be right here with you." Jessie Says. "It's no or it's yes." Carly Says. "Fine." I say as I go to the bathroom. I do the test and get out.
"Funny how one night can ruin your whole life." I say. "One drunk night in that stupid red dress..." I add. "Aw! I love that red dress! The way it sparkles looks like an ice skating outfit" Carly Says. "Stay with us Carly!" Jessie Says. "It's miraculous to get away with an unprotected-" "Funny how this is just at the wrong timing." I say. We hear the timer ring. "That means the test is ready... this is it..." They say. I walk over and look at the test. "Shit." I say. "Oh my god..." Carly Says. "I'm just gonna make a cake." I say out of shock. They then leave the room.
I can make this work, make it easy, clever and crafted into pieces, sweet, crimp the edges, and then a hint of sour with lemon wedges. I mean, doubt can be delicious. As I fill the pan with batter and put it in the oven I relax for a second.
Jessie and Carly look through the door worrying about Aria. "God... She's stress baking!" Jessie Says. "And we don't even have a customer here yet." Carly Says.
-Back to Aria-
The cake is done and I put it on display. I take a deep breath and then wash my hands. "You ok Darling?" Jessie asks. "You know what. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. And I'll bring her favorite pie, and I'll see that I'm not pregnant." I say. "Ok... well we have to close up now. We'll see you tomorrow." Carly Says. They go and I close up. I leave and take the bus home.